Sweet marriage

Chapter 120 The Mission of Seizing Love

Chapter 120 The Mission of Seizing Love (3)

"But I don't know where her hometown is, so I can only wait for her to come back."

Lin Yiyang didn't care about her attitude at all, she was his big client, so it's better not to offend her.

"You can find out my identity, can't you even do that little thing?"

Fang Ruoxi began to doubt Lin Yiyang's ability.

"Don't you work at Lei's? Wouldn't it be faster for you to check this matter?"

"Okay, you wait for my news."

After Fang Ruoxi finished speaking, she hung up the phone. She felt that she had made a wrong step and made a wrong step. As a result, she got deeper and deeper and couldn't extricate herself.

Fang Ruoxi found out the address of Chen Yiyi's hometown through the manager of the human resources department, and then she called Lin Yiyang and told him not to do anything illegal.

Lin Yiyang also acted very quickly. He booked the train ticket for noon on the Internet, packed some luggage, and went to the Internet to check the information of Chen Yiyi's hometown. He wanted to know himself and the enemy.

He was a little worried that if he suddenly appeared in front of her, would she doubt him?
Soon Lin Yiyang figured it out, even if he gave himself a holiday to travel, there are many coincidences in the world.

Lin Yiyang embarked on this journey at noon. Chen Yiyi's hometown is really far away. He took a three-hour train ride, and another two-hour car ride, and finally arrived in that small town after six o'clock in the afternoon.

He found a hotel to live in, and decided to familiarize himself with the situation first, and there was no rush to find Chen Yiyi.


Chen Yiyi returned home to see her parents. The two elders hadn't seen their daughter for a long time, so they were naturally very happy.

Seeing that her daughter seemed to be a little thinner than before, Chen Yiyi's mother was very distressed.

Chen Yiyi's mother took her hand and said, "Yiyi, isn't your work very hard?"

"Mom, my current job is not hard at all. I go to and from get off work on time, and I don't have to go to work on holidays, so you don't have to worry about me."

"It's good if you're not tired. You can see that you are thinner than before. I don't worry about you being outside alone."

"Mom, now that I'm grown up, I naturally want to earn more money to honor your elders."

Yiyi saw that many of her mother's hair had turned white, and she was very distressed.Parents have paid so much for her and her younger brother, it's time to enjoy the happiness.

"Dad and Mom don't need money now, they just want you to have a good future. Now that you have reached the age to marry, why don't you just go back to your hometown and find someone to live a good life here, and Mom can still see you often. "

As she spoke, Chen Yiyi's mother burst into tears involuntarily.

Chen Yiyi hurriedly helped her mother wipe away her tears, "Mom, don't cry. I've already thought about it. When I save enough money to buy a small house in the city and take your two elders over, we can be together often .”

"Yiyi, it's enough for you to have this heart. We are used to living in our hometown, and we are really reluctant to leave here."

"Mom, let's not talk about this for now. Why do I feel that you have lost weight? Is there something wrong?"

"It's not because of your incident. Your aunt and us are completely deadlocked. I feel aggrieved and panic, and I feel so sad that I can't eat."

"Mom, it's been so long since that incident, why are you still struggling?"

"Mom knows you are a good boy, and Mom loves you."

"Mom, the man my second aunt introduced to me is not a good person at all. He already has a fiancée, and he cheats unmarried women outside. So it's not my fault. I'm glad I didn't have anything to do with him."

(End of this chapter)

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