Sweet marriage

Chapter 121 The Mission of Seizing Love

Chapter 121 The Mission of Seizing Love (4)

"Yiyi, why didn't you tell mom earlier?"

"I didn't say it because I was afraid you were worried. I will explain it clearly to my second aunt in the future. I believe our two families will reconcile."

Chen Yiyi now had to tell the truth of the matter.

"Yiyi, you have been wronged so much, my mother loves you!"

"Mom, let's not talk about this anymore. I'll come back to see your elders. Let's be happy."

Chen Yiyi changed the subject, that incident was already in the past, there was no need to hold on to it anymore.

"How many days are you going to stay at home this time?"

"I asked for a week off, and I want to stay at home with my mom and dad."

"Now that we're back, we have to talk about business. I'll go talk to the matchmaker in the village and ask her to arrange a blind date for you."

"Mom, let me tell you the truth, I already have a boyfriend."

Thinking of Lei Zijun, Chen Yiyi looked happy.

"Didn't you lie to your mother, girl? How long has it been since you have a boyfriend?"

"I didn't lie to you, it's true. He's my boss, and we just started dating."

"How is the boy? How is he treating you? Why didn't you bring him home this time for us to see?"

"Mom, you have so many questions."

"Yiyi, don't you think your mother is annoying? Isn't this a lifelong concern for you? Which parent doesn't want their daughter to find a good family! Who would like to see their children suffer?"

"Mom, that's not what I meant. The boyfriend I'm looking for has a good family, a good character, a successful career, and treats me better. You can just let go of your heart. This time he originally said that he would come back with me, But the company still had a big contract to sign, and he couldn't get away, so he didn't come back with me."

"Yiyi, you are not looking for excuses to lie to mom in order to escape the blind date, are you?"

"Mom, don't you understand who I am? I'm telling the truth. I really have a boyfriend. "

"Yiyi, mom believes in you, remember to bring it back for mom and dad to see when you come back next time."

Chen Yiyi's mother didn't look like she was lying. She knew her daughter well, and she would blush if she told a lie.

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely bring him back next time."

Chen Yiyi assured her mother.

In the evening, Chen Yiyi's father came home from get off work and was very happy to see his daughter.

After dinner, Chen Yiyi was chatting with her parents when the cell phone rang suddenly, and she looked to see that it was Lei Zijun's phone.After talking to my parents, I went to my room to answer the phone.

After connecting to the phone, Lei Zijun's magnetic and pleasant voice came, "Yiyi, why did it take me so long to answer my call?"

"Zijun, I was chatting with my parents just now, so I picked up late, you won't be angry with me, will you?"

Chen Yiyi explained patiently.

"How could I be angry with you, do you miss me?"

Lei Zijun had a smile on his face when he asked this, but Chen Yiyi couldn't see it.It's good to know her, Lei Zijun finds that he loves to laugh now.

"Zijun, we've only been separated for a day."

Chen Yiyi was a little embarrassed and changed the subject.

"Yiyi, don't talk about a day, I don't want to be separated from you for an hour. You know this day, I will always miss you, and I don't have the energy to work. You have returned to my hometown, and my heart seems to have been taken away by you. "

Hearing Lei Zijun's nasty words, Chen Yiyi's little face blushed again involuntarily.

"Zijun, your words are a bit exaggerated."

(End of this chapter)

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