Sweet marriage

Chapter 126 The Mission of Seizing Love

Chapter 126 The Mission of Seizing Love (9)

Chen Yiyi loves her father very much. He has always been the pillar of the family. He has paid a lot for this family. Time is not forgiving. Due to years of hard work, his father is now a little old.

"Yiyi, your younger brother will be graduating next year, and he is at the age of marrying a wife. Your father wants to save more money to renovate the family house so that your younger brother can marry a wife. In addition, he also wants to wait until the house is built. , Open a farmhouse at home, so you don’t have to work so hard for others.”

"Mom, this is a good idea. Don't worry, my salary is very high now, and there is a year-end bonus during the Chinese New Year. I will send all my salary back at that time. It should be enough to build a house. You must watch Dad and don't let him work too hard."

"Hey! I tried to persuade him, but you don't know his temper. He is like a stubborn donkey. He doesn't know what to do when he walks all the way to the dark."

Chen Yiyi's mother also felt a little helpless, maybe her father was just exhausted!

"Mom, when Dad comes back from get off work, I will also persuade him."

"I hope you can persuade me."

"Mom, do you know? My brother is very popular in school, and some girls are already chasing him."

"Really? You have to tell your brother that it's okay to fall in love, but you can't waste your studies."

"Mom, don't worry! You don't have to worry about my brother if he has his own way."

The mother and daughter chatted for a while, and then got busy making dumplings.

After Chen Yiyi's father came back, the family began to eat dumplings.

At the dinner table, Chen Yiyi advised her father to pay attention to his health, and stop working if he was too tired.

Chen Yiyi's father smiled and said that he is in good health now, and if he can earn some money, he will earn more.

After dinner, Chen Yiyi went back to her room, and started making phone calls with Lei Zijun again.The two seemed to have indistinct words, telling about the pain of lovesickness.

Chen Yiyi comforted Lei Zijun on the phone, saying that he would go back in a few days, time passed quickly, so let him not worry.

Lei Zijun finished all the important things in the past two days, and he handed over the rest to the department manager. Naturally, he would use his mobile phone to remotely control important matters.

He was going to give Chen Yiyi a surprise, because he really wanted Yiyi, and wanted to meet Yiyi's parents by the way, and it would be best if he could get her parents' permission to put their marriage on the agenda.

Lei Zijun has already greeted his parents, and his parents are in favor of his getting married. They think that the eldest grandson has been waiting for too long.

They are relatively open-minded people, as long as their son likes them, they will not object.After all, it is the son who lives, and they will never gamble on his son's happiness for money. Furthermore, this son is a filial son. It is such a big marriage, and no matter how much they persuade him, it will not work.

Now he has found the woman he loves, and they choose to respect his choice.

The son is an adult, he should be able to handle his feelings well, they don't want to interfere too much with his marriage.

After the phone conversation between the two ended, Chen Yiyi lay down and went to sleep, and she also hoped to return to Lei Zijun's side soon.

Since she didn't have to go to work, Chen Yiyi slept in for a while in the morning, and didn't get up until it was high in the sun.

She hasn't felt so comfortable for a long time. All these years, she has worked hard to make a living. In addition to work, she is working.

Mother left her breakfast, after breakfast she decided to go around the village.

Now their small mountain village has changed a lot. There are many places for eco-tourism. It is a rare holiday, and she also wants to experience the beauty of her hometown.

(End of this chapter)

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