Sweet marriage

Chapter 127 The Plan to Win Love

Chapter 127 The Plan to Win Love (10)

Not long after Chen Yiyi walked out of the house, she heard someone calling herself behind her.

She stopped, turned and looked behind her.

"Chen Yiyi, we meet again, we are so destined."

When Chen Yiyi saw the man walking towards her, she felt a little headache.How could I meet him everywhere? Her intuition told her to stay away from this smiling, harmless looking man.

"What a coincidence, why did you come here?"

Yiyi asked straight to the point, she felt that there should not be so many coincidences.

"I'm a photographer. Naturally, I go wherever there is beauty. It's purely a coincidence that I'm here."

Chen Yiyi didn't believe what he said, but she couldn't fault it.After all, they didn't know each other before, so there was no need for him to follow him here.

After thinking about it for a long time, Chen Yiyi didn't have a clue, so she simply didn't think about it, so it was just a coincidence.

"Since you're here, play to your heart's content, and I won't accompany you."

After Chen Yiyi finished speaking, she wanted to leave. They were not familiar with each other, so there was no need to tangle with him.

"Yiyi, wait a minute, I'm here to take some pictures, can you be my guide and show me around."

After Lin Yiyang caught up with Chen Yiyi, he grabbed her arm with his hand.

Chen Yiyi stopped, took his hand away with the other hand, looked at him and said, "We don't know each other very well at all, and I have something else to do, so don't pester me. You want to find a guide, I I think those girls must be very happy."

Chen Yiyi showed him the girls not far behind with her finger.

When he came to this small village, his handsome appearance naturally attracted the attention of many girls.

Lin Yiyang looked in the direction Yiyi pointed, and reached out to greet them.

Chen Yiyi took advantage of the gap and left quickly.

After walking not far, Lin Yiyang caught up and started asking questions.

Chen Yiyi now feels that he is so annoying, why does it stick to him like a plaster, and he can't get off.

She had no choice but to go where she wanted to go, ignoring this follower at all.In my heart, I hope that he can leave early.

What is Lin Yiyang doing? After finally seizing this opportunity, how could he give up so easily.

He saw that Chen Yiyi ignored him at all, and he was not angry, and would tell some jokes from time to time, trying to make Chen Yiyi happy.

Chen Yiyi looked at him helplessly, angry and funny, it seemed that she couldn't get rid of him for a while, so she simply regarded him as a transparent person.

Not too far from Chen Yiyi's home, there is a grape-picking garden. When she arrived there, there were already many tourists picking grapes.

Looking at the big bunch of grapes, there are red, purple, and green, she feels delicious.

Holding the basket and scissors, she was going to choose a few bunches to try something new. Such fresh grapes were not available in big cities.

Lin Yiyang followed behind her, took a few pictures of grapes with his camera, and secretly took some pictures of Chen Yiyi.

He found that Chen Yiyi was not easy to deal with, as far as his charm was concerned, it was difficult for many girls to stop him.

In order to attract Chen Yiyi's idea, he created many coincidences, but she simply ignored him.

"Yiyi, you see we are neighbors, and we met here by fate, can't you talk to me?"

Lin Yiyang begged Chen Yiyi, hoping that she would pay attention to him.

"I've brought you to the picking garden now, you can shoot whatever you want, don't bother me, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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