Sweet marriage

Chapter 191 Confidence Crisis

Chapter 191 Confidence Crisis (5)

"Mu Yun, I made you laugh."

Chen Yiyi's expression was indifferent, and she couldn't be happy to see her old friend.

"Yiyi, didn't he explain clearly to you last night?"

Zhao Muyun could imagine how much Chen Yiyi suffered to become like this.

"He always avoids the question."

Chen Yiyi is in a mess now and doesn't know what to do.

"Yiyi, you look so haggard now, let's find a place to eat and chat."

Zhao Muyun dragged Chen Yiyi to a nearby restaurant. She had to ask what was going on before she could help her out.

The two came to the restaurant, ordered the dishes, and while waiting for the dishes to be served, Chen Yiyi briefly told Zhao Muyun everything that happened when she came to Lei's.

She naturally omitted what happened to them the first time.

"Yiyi, you said Lei Zijun is your boyfriend?"

Zhao Muyun had heard of Lei Zijun, the president of the Lei family, but she never expected that Chen Yiyi and Lei Zijun would get together in just over a month. She missed too much.

"So what? He seems to be avoiding me on purpose now. Do you think he doesn't want to associate with me anymore?"

Chen Yiyi's expression was very painful, tears were about to fall.

"Yiyi, don't think wildly, I don't think it should be what you think."

"Then why, he didn't leave early or late, but when we had conflicts, he went on a business trip."

"Maybe it's just a coincidence. Didn't you say that he left you a note. This shows that he still cares about you very much. Maybe he really has something urgent."

"Is this really the case? I'm so scared that he won't want me."

"Yiyi, I can see that you already love him deeply. Since you love him so much, don't worry about his past anymore. Who can live without the past, the most important thing is to grasp the present. Whether he is because of you or not You look like his ex-girlfriend before dating you. You have to remember that you are his girlfriend now and have nothing to do with his ex-girlfriend. "

Chen Yiyi finally started a new relationship, and the other party is such an outstanding man, she didn't want Chen Yiyi to give up this relationship because of a little setback.

"But I will mind in my heart. I hope he loves me. I don't want to be the shadow of his ex-girlfriend."

Chen Yiyi was still a little confused, she couldn't be completely free and easy.She can choose to remain silent because of Lei Zijun, but that doesn't mean she won't mind his past.

Seeing Chen Yiyi's face getting paler and paler, Zhao Muyun felt a little distressed.

The food was already on the table one after another, Zhao Muyun served Chen Yiyi a bowl of light soup and put it in front of her.

"Yiyi, you must not have eaten in the morning. Let's not talk about these annoying things, eat first. Your body is the most important thing. You don't want your body to collapse before you figure out your love."

"I can not eat."

Chen Yiyi looked at the dishes on the table, but she had no appetite at all.Thinking of their days together, Chen Yiyi regretted her impulsiveness.

"Yiyi, I order you to eat if you don't want to."

Zhao Muyun brought a lot of food for Chen Yiyi, hoping she could eat some and stop torturing herself.

"Mu Yun, I really can't eat it."

The problem was not solved, and she didn't have the mind to eat at all.

"Give me the phone."

Zhao Muyun reached out to Chen Yiyi for a cell phone.

"What are you doing?"

Chen Yiyi was confused, and obediently handed the phone to Zhao Muyun.

(End of this chapter)

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