Sweet marriage

Chapter 192 Confidence Crisis

Chapter 192 Confidence Crisis (6)

"Of course it's to help you call."

Zhao Muyun found Lei Zijun's phone number and dialed it directly.

Not long after, the phone was connected.

"Hello! Are you Mr. Lei Zijun?"

"Who are you? Why are you calling me with Yiyi's mobile phone?"

"I'm Chen Yiyi's friend. She has a little problem and is in the hospital now."

Zhao Muyun started to lie, if Lei Zijun loved Chen Yiyi, he would be very worried.

"Then how is she doing now? What happened?"

Lei Zijun's voice was very anxious, he had only been away for a long time, and something happened to Chen Yiyi, why is it so worrying.

"Mr. Lei, don't worry, she's fine. It's because she didn't eat several meals, she was weak, and she fainted. Now she's getting an IV drip, and she can go home in a short time. You don't have to worry too much .”

Zhao Muyun turned on the handset on the phone, and Chen Yiyi could hear clearly what Lei Zijun said.

"Can you give her the phone, I want to talk to her."

"Sorry, the doctor said she needs to rest now, it's best not to disturb her."

"Please take good care of her. I'll take the plane back after I finish my work here. Tell her it's all my fault, and I apologize to her."

"I wonder when Mr. Lei will be able to go home?"

"I've booked an afternoon flight, and I'll probably get home after dark. I'll rush over to which hospital you are in when I get there."

"Mr. Lei, the doctor said that she doesn't need to be hospitalized. I'll send her back to her residence after the drip. You can just go home."

"Okay! I see, thank you. I hope you can help me take care of Yiyi."

"No problem, she is also my best friend, and I will take good care of her naturally."

"Help me persuade Yiyi, don't let her get in trouble with her body."

"Understood, it's nothing, I'll hang up first."

"You must help me take care of Yiyi."

Lei Zijun's eager voice came, and Zhao Muyun hung up the phone. She was afraid that she would get lost after a long time, after all, she was lying.Although it is a white lie, it is always wrong.

Zhao Muyun looked at Chen Yiyi in a daze, and returned the phone to her.

"You heard it all, Lei Zijun cares about you very much, stop thinking about it."

Zhao Muyun picked up a pair of chopsticks and put them in Chen Yiyi's hands.

"Eat quickly, or you will really faint due to exhaustion."

Chen Yiyi didn't speak, and started to eat silently.It turned out that everything was my own random guess, and Lei Zijun really had something to go on a business trip.

The pressure in her heart was gone, and she felt that she was hungry.

After a few mouthfuls of food, she suddenly remembered something.

"Mu Yun, how can you lie to Zi Jun."

"Yiyi, now I'm starting to protect him again! I'm doing it for your own good. If I don't say that, how can I try to find out whether he cares about you. Give me a good meal now, and don't let him see you when he comes back. This haggard look."

Zhao Muyun brought some dishes for Chen Yiyi, hoping she would eat more.

"Mu Yun, thank you!"

"We are all old friends. What is there to thank, but you found a rich man and kept it from me for so long. You really are not enough friends."

"Mu Yun, I didn't mean to hide it from you, we've really just started."

"Okay, no need to explain, I believe you. Eat quickly, don't really faint from hunger."

(End of this chapter)

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