Sweet marriage

Chapter 193 Confidence Crisis

Chapter 193 Confidence Crisis (7)

"I'm not as vulnerable as you say."

Chen Yiyi was in a better mood now, and began to refute.

"In my opinion, you're just stubborn. Don't do this again in the future. You'll be sad and torment yourself if you haven't figured it out."

"I care too much about him, that's why."

After this incident, Chen Yiyi saw the weak side of her heart.

The two chatted while eating.

"Yiyi, you need to eat more and make up for what you had before."

"Mu Yun, do you think I'm stupid?"

Chen Yiyi felt that she had been making trouble for a long time. It turned out to be a misunderstanding. Lei Zijun was really on a business trip, and she didn't hide from her on purpose. She felt that she was so stupid.

"Normal, everyone is stupid sometimes. But Yiyi, you can't be like this in the future, and make yourself so embarrassed without knowing everything."

"Mu Yun, I also feel that I lack calmness in situations, and I am easily impulsive. Sometimes I do things without thinking."

Chen Yiyi began to self-examine, and she panicked when encountering something.

"Yiyi, you just lack self-confidence. To be honest, you are a good girl, and you can capture a man's heart. Now that you know that Lei Zijun cares about you, you have to trust him and stop doubting this or that. gone."

"I get it, it won't happen again."

Chen Yiyi now knows what she wants, and she is very afraid of losing Lei Zijun.She figured it out, she wanted to grab Lei Zijun's heart and never want to let go.

After lunch, Chen Yiyi and Mu Yun left to go to work in the company.

After get off work, Chen Yiyi returned home early, prepared some dishes, and waited for Lei Zijun to come back.

She kept checking the time, feeling that the time passed so slowly, she began to worry about Lei Zijun in her heart.

It was getting dark and Lei Zijun hadn't come back yet, Chen Yiyi couldn't bear it any longer and dialed Lei Zijun's number.

"Yiyi, are you okay? I'll be home soon."

The phone was connected quickly, and Chen Yiyi felt warm in her heart when she heard Lei Zijun's familiar voice.

"I'm fine, be careful on the road, I'll wait for you."

After Chen Yiyi finished speaking, she hung up the phone, knowing that Lei Zijun would be back soon, she took the cold food to the kitchen to reheat it.

After putting the food back on the table, Chen Yiyi heard a knock on the door.

She ran to the door and opened it. When Lei Zijun walked into the room, Chen Yiyi closed the door and threw herself into Lei Zijun's arms.

Lei Zijun hugged Chen Yiyi tightly, "Yiyi, why did you faint."

He asked Chen Yiyi with concern.

Chen Yiyi couldn't help crying, tears fell down, and Lei Zijun's clothes were wet after a while.

"Yiyi, don't cry, I'm back now."

Lei Zijun wiped away the tears from Chen Yiyi's face and stroked her long hair with his hand.

"Zijun, I'm sorry, I lied to you."

Chen Yiyi can't lie at all, so she decided to confess to him.

"Tell me what the hell is going on?"

Lei Zijun was not angry, and his voice was surprisingly gentle.

"You left without saying goodbye last night. I thought you didn't want me anymore. I was so sad that I couldn't eat at all. My friend was afraid that I wouldn't be able to eat without food, so I called you."

Chen Yiyi looked at Lei Zijun, although it was only a short separation, she felt that they had been separated for a long time.

Now that Lei Zijun is by her side, she has a sense of security and a solid feeling in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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