Sweet marriage

Chapter 494 Rose Offensive

Chapter 494 Rose Offensive (8)

Lei Zijun groaned in his heart. It seemed that his flower offensive had completely failed, and he had to find another way. It seemed that it would not be an easy task to recover Chen Yiyi, but he had perseverance, no matter how difficult it was, he would work hard.

He believed that one day Chen Yiyi would see his sincerity and be willing to accept him from the bottom of her heart.

After dinner, Chen Yiyi went back to her room alone. Lei Zijun didn't chase after her room to pester her to chat anymore. He didn't want Chen Yiyi to dislike him anymore. Today's situation was caused by him, so he had to think about it. A way to save their love.

He went back to his room and made a plan for chasing his wife. Everything went according to plan, and he wanted to work hard for his future happiness.

The second time, after breakfast, Lei Zijun went out to work.

Chen Yiyi was bored and wanted to see how her neighbor Lin Yiyang was doing. She already regarded him as a friend, so it was normal for them to meet.

Knocked on Lin Yiyang's door, he opened the door without much effort, he was still a little surprised to see Chen Yiyi outside the door.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with me? I'm a little embarrassed when you look at me like that."

Lin Yiyang saw that she was alone outside the door, and then invited her into the room.

"If you come to me so blatantly, aren't you afraid of having an affair with me again? Mr. Lei of yours has a reputation for jealousy, so you must be careful in what you say and do." Lin Yiyang reminded him kindly.

Chen Yiyi looked at him and found it funny, she was not afraid of the client, but he was extremely nervous.

"Hey! We are friends. I think it's normal for me to come to you. He has no right to restrict my freedom. I can hang out with whoever I want. You don't have to be so afraid." Chen Yiyi teased, she felt very happy with Lin Yiyang Relaxed, without any stress.

Lin Yiyang poured Chen Yiyi a glass of water and sat down himself.

"I don't know if it's luck or misfortune to know you. You will always cause me such and other troubles." Lin Yiyang said with a smile.

"Don't worry so much between friends, okay? I now treat you as a good friend with 100% sincerity." Chen Yiyi responded to him with a big smile.

"Should I be honored to be your friend?" Lin Yiyang asked.

"I'm also very honored that the two of us tied."

Lin Yiyang chuckled, this Chen Yiyi was indeed much easier to get along with than before.

"You've changed a lot."

"Everyone will change, do you think I was difficult to get along with before?"

"Fortunately, you only had Lei Zijun in your heart at that time. If you think that others have ulterior motives for your kindness, you will reject it. Relatively speaking, you are a little difficult to get along with." Lin Yiyang explained his views on her at that time.

"I said so implicitly, are you afraid that I will be hit? It seems that there is really nothing wrong with making you a friend."

"You'd better stay away from me, so that Mr. Lei won't misunderstand you again. In fact, don't blame him. Any man will lack calmness when encountering such a thing. He is definitely not an exception." Lin Yiyang kindly reminded Chen Yiyi , hoping to put an end to some unnecessary troubles.

"He shouldn't have the right to intervene in my affairs. Now I'm almost annoyed by him, and I can't even leave him." Chen Yiyi complained.

"Are you getting along well now?"

"Nope! I just don't know why sometimes we get offended easily, and we always talk about it, and always want to quarrel with him."

(End of this chapter)

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