Sweet marriage

Chapter 495 Rose Offensive

Chapter 495 Rose Offensive (9)

Chen Yiyi shared her feelings, she seemed to feel a kind of pressure when she was with Lei Zijun, she was not as natural and relaxed as getting along with Lin Yiyang peacefully.

"I think you should calm down and try to get along with him. He did a lot of excessive things before, and that's because he cared too much about you. Since you have forgotten all the unpleasant pasts, maybe it's God's will , for the sake of the child in your belly, you should try to get along well with him, pull out the thorn in your heart, and don't let it affect your relationship." Lin Yiyang sees it very clearly as an expert in relationships, and he also hopes that Chen Yiyi and Lei Zijun were able to achieve a positive result, and the suffering they experienced between them should be regarded as God's test of their love.

"I also want to get along well with him, but sometimes he can easily make me angry." Chen Yiyi also felt very helpless. Ever since her friend persuaded her to try to accept Lei Zijun, she had also thought about this issue, maybe She's just too stubborn, and she doesn't think it's right.

Since she couldn't control her own heart, Chen Yiyi chose to let nature take its course, maybe after getting along for a long time, she would naturally know that he was okay.But thinking of living with him for a long time in the future, she couldn't help feeling depressed.She always felt that the days were too long to endure, which made her homesick even more.

Back home, my mother will definitely ask about her and Lei Zijun. In order not to worry the family, she will definitely not tell her parents about her memory loss. She would rather choose to bear it by herself.

"Mr. Lei is indeed a bit authoritarian in some respects. The way he treated you before shows that he doesn't know you well enough. Now you don't have any memory of him. It's a good time for you to start again. Listen to me and let you Try to accept him." Lin Yiyang analyzed the problems between them, and continued to persuade Chen Yiyi not to give up their relationship easily.

"He used to treat you so well, and you still speak nicely for him, are you a nice person?" Chen Yiyi joked.

"You're right, I feel like I've become a nice person when I face you. I'm just talking about the matter, not the person. He hurt you before, and that's because he cared too much about you. To be honest, you used to be very I love him, that's why I advise you to reconcile with him." Lin Yiyang is making continuous efforts, hoping that Chen Yiyi can think about it and see the facts clearly.

Chen Yiyi curled her mouth, "Can we not talk about him? I have to face him at home, and you still mention him while chatting with you. I feel like I'm getting bored." Chen Yiyi was a little impatient.

"Okay, let's not mention him anymore. In short, you have to think carefully about what I say. If you have anything you can't think of or don't understand, you can come to me. Maybe I can help you answer it." Lin Yiyang expressed his thoughts, and he was really sincere. I want to help Chen Yiyi.She is a good girl. Although her love has many hardships, he still hopes that she can live happily.

"Since you speak well of him, I'll try to get along with him." Chen Yiyi also knew that Lin Yiyang was doing it for her own good. She was pregnant with Lei Zijun's child. For the sake of thinking, she should really try to accept Lei Zijun.

"That's right, emotional matters are very complicated, you can't be stubborn, you have to learn to be flexible." Lin Yiyang continued to explain the truth to Chen Yiyi.

The two chatted happily together, and Chen Yiyi felt that she and Lin Yiyang were getting along quite well now.

(End of this chapter)

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