Sweet marriage

Chapter 496 Rose Offensive

Chapter 496 Rose Offensive (10)

Shen Yanran naturally had to do what she promised her father last night. Although she was very reluctant, she did not dare to disobey her father's order.

Xiaolong stayed at home and was watched by his mother, and she went to Liu Wei's studio by herself.Not to mention the money she owes Liu Wei now, just asking him to investigate Chen Yiyi's affairs, she can't afford it at all now.

Thinking of Lei Zijun's unfeeling, the more she thought about it, the angrier she became. It was all because of Chen Yiyi, and she thought it must be Chen Yiyi who was obstructing it, so that Lei Zijun became more and more indifferent to her.

She never thought that Chen Yiyi was so important to Lei Zijun. She thought that those non-existent things might break their relationship. How did she know that Lei Zijun found out that she was a liar so quickly? It's even better.

Thinking of Lei Zijun's kindness to Chen Yiyi, she was very jealous, a little bit mad with jealousy.

Shen Yanran knew that she was in a desperate situation now, Chen Yiyi was pregnant with a child, Lei Zijun might not care about Xiaolong anymore, and the second elder of Lei's family didn't move, she felt even more uneasy.

I thought that because of Xiaolong, her chances of winning were better than Chen Yiyi, but now her dream has come to nothing, and she is even more disappointed.

She thought of looking for a job, but her previous experience made her a little cowardly, and she couldn't bear that kind of hardship to do jobs that required labor, and she always felt that she shouldn't do that kind of work.She was even more afraid of being looked down upon by Lei Zijun, if she met him, she would feel very inferior and unable to hold her head up.

She was thinking wildly all the way, and when she arrived at Liu Wei's studio, she didn't seem to get out of the complicated emotions.

He was a little surprised that Shen Yanran could come to him. Seeing her appearance, he knew that Shen Yanran had something on his mind.

The two sat down, and Liu Wei poured Shen Yanran a glass of water.

"Yan Ran, do you have anything to do with me? See if you have something on your mind because of your preoccupied appearance." Liu Wei asked with concern.

"My dad was discharged from the hospital yesterday. He wanted to treat you to dinner. I wonder if you have time." Shen Yanran revealed the main purpose of coming to him.

"Why didn't uncle tell me when he was discharged from the hospital? I plan to pick you up."

"I have troubled you a lot, and I feel a little sorry."

"What are you talking about? We are friends, and friends should help each other." Liu Wei simply wanted to help Shen Yanran. He knew that her heart was not in him, so he didn't want to force her.

"You also know that my dad thinks we are dating, so you must be careful what you say when you go to my house. He is sick, I don't want him to be stimulated any more." Shen Yanran changed the subject.She knows that she owes Liu Wei a lot, and she also knows that he has thoughts about her, but she can't give him a future, so it's better not to start some things, so as to save trouble in the future.

"Yan Ran, you can't do this. I'll help you once and twice. I can't always help you deceive your family. I think it's better to explain it clearly to the old man. Maybe he can understand you." Liu Wei feels that lying is not a long-term solution at all. One day it will be exposed, and then everyone will be more embarrassed, and she will deeply hurt her parents who love her the most.

"I know it's wrong, but I really can't help it. My parents always let me find someone to settle down early. If you don't help me, I have to go on a blind date, but I don't want to do that."

(End of this chapter)

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