Sweet marriage

Chapter 497 Insecure

Chapter 497 Insecure (1)

Shen Yanran was also in pain, she didn't dare to tell Liu Wei the truth, her parents let her go on a blind date in order to stop her from thinking about Lei Zijun, hoping that she would stabilize soon.

"Then have you ever thought that your parents will be even more sad when the lies are exposed. Listen to my advice, wake up early, and stop hurting your parents." Liu Wei really didn't want to see Shen Yanran make a mistake Wrong again.

"Liu Wei, can you go to my house first tonight and help me again? I will find a way to solve this matter in the future." Shen Yanran begged.

"How do you want to solve it, tell them the truth? Or continue to lie to them, Shen Yanran, I am really disappointed in you." Liu Wei is a filial son, so he really disagrees with Shen Yanran's actions, even if It's because you have a compelling reason, you can explain it clearly to your family, you can't cheat so endlessly, when will it be the end!

He regretted that he had promised her this ridiculous thing, and now even he was involved in it.

"Liu Wei, I beg you to help me, please. I am only your friend now. If you don't help me, you will really drive me to a dead end." Shen Yanran's tears flowed unconsciously, she Now she feels so helpless, she has driven herself to a dead end, her human nature has been distorted because of Lei Zijun, and even her family members have been deceived.

"Yanran, I know that you love Lei Zijun, but he is not loving you now, why do you insert yourself into other people's feelings, hurt others and hurt yourself, please wake up quickly, don't continue to make mistakes .” Out of good intentions, Liu Wei wanted to persuade her to turn around as soon as possible and not to make the same mistakes again and again.

Lei Zijun doesn't belong to her anymore, no matter how much she does, it will only make him hate him and make things worse.

"No, I believe that Zijun still has feelings for me. He was just bewitched by Chen Yiyi. When I expose Chen Yiyi's true colors, I believe that Zijun will definitely come back to me." Shen Yanran said Excited, a little hysterical, she lived entirely in her own imagination.

Seeing Shen Yanran's gradually distorted face, Liu Wei suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter. With Shen Yanran's appearance, it seemed that he should see a doctor in his heart.

"Yanran, do you know that your thinking is very extreme, you think that you and Lei Zijun are the best match, have you ever asked Lei Zijun what he thinks, does he think the same as you do? Feelings are two-sided , It’s not up to you alone.” Liu Wei didn’t know why Shen Yanran was so stubborn, but he still tried his best to persuade her to see the facts clearly as soon as possible and stop doing thankless things.

"You don't understand. I have been able to survive these years because of the good memories I have with Lei Zijun. I don't believe that he is so unfeeling. He must have been confused by that woman Chen Yiyi. I still have feelings, I hurt him too much in the past, that's why he wanted to punish me like this." Shen Yanran wept as she spoke, she absolutely didn't believe that Lei Zijun would be so unfeeling to her, she lived completely on her own in the imagination.

Liu Wei didn't know how to persuade her. He knew Shen Yanran's current situation, so she might not listen to him no matter how much he said.She is too self-conscious and blames others for her misfortune. If this continues, her heart disease will become more and more serious, and she may do crazier things.

(End of this chapter)

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