Sweet marriage

Chapter 499 Insecure

Chapter 499 Insecure (3)

"If you're busy, go get busy with other things first!" Shen Yanran couldn't force him to do something he didn't want to do. She knew she was wrong about that thing last time, and Liu Wei tried to persuade her again and again. Don't make a big deal out of it, but she won't listen at all.

She knew that what she did was not something glorious, Liu Wei was an upright man, and he must have objections to the actions of her villains, even though he didn't say anything, he definitely didn't agree with her actions in his heart.

Her current financial situation has no way to pay him, and he should not help herself.

"Yanran, there is something I want to tell you clearly. According to my observation, Chen Yiyi is actually a woman who hates simplicity. Her gentle personality and private life cannot be too chaotic. Even if she continues to follow her, there will be no results. I I think this matter should be left as it is." Liu Wei simply made it clear to Shen Yanran, don't let her have too much hope, he will never say that there is nothing for the sake of money, this is a matter of principle .

"I apologize to you for my impulsiveness. I didn't listen to your persuasion to do that kind of thing last time. I know I was wrong. I hope you don't care about me. At that time, my mind was so hot that I didn't think about anything. I really think that Chen Yiyi cheated, that's why I was impulsive." Shen Yanran knew that her sophistry was useless, so she simply admitted her mistake generously, after all, the other party was Liu Wei, so she didn't have to worry too much.

"It's best if you can figure it out, and don't do such stupid things again." Liu Wei didn't bother with her anymore, after all, the matter has passed, and it is useless to pursue it now that it has passed.

"Wrong is wrong, and I also regret doing those stupid things." Her lies were quickly exposed by Lei Zijun, and she knew that she was an out-and-out person in Lei Zijun's heart. bad woman.If it wasn't for dealing with Chen Yiyi, she would not have taken this step. All of this happened because of Chen Yiyi.

Now she is extremely bad in Lei Zijun's heart, it is almost impossible to restore her image, she really doesn't know what to do?I just hope that he will not be too ruthless to Xiaolong, so maybe they still have a chance to meet.

"If you can figure it out earlier, maybe those unpleasant things won't happen." Liu Wei said with emotion.

He has seen her stubbornness, and sometimes it is really incomprehensible.

"Liu Wei, get busy with work first, I'll just go outside and wait for you." Shen Yanran didn't want to continue that topic, she was afraid that she would lose control of her emotions.

Liu Wei waved his hands in understanding, and Shen Yanran left his office.

She went to the bathroom to tidy up first, she looked quite embarrassed now.

After get off work, Liu Wei took Shen Yanran to a nice restaurant near the company.

Shen Yanran had lunch with Liu Wei, the two talked for a while, and after she said goodbye, she went home by car.The goal has been achieved, and her heart is finally relieved.

Thinking of continuing to lie to her parents in the future, Shen Yanran felt that she was one head and two big. She really didn't know how to continue this lie.

Liu Wei's attitude is very clear, he doesn't want to continue lying with her anymore, it's good to agree to her this time.

On the way back, Shen Yanran received a call from a stranger.

When the phone was connected, a man's voice rang out, "Excuse me, are you Miss Shen Yanran?"

(End of this chapter)

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