Sweet marriage

Chapter 500 Insecure

Chapter 500 Insecure (4)

Shen Yanran can be sure that she has never heard this voice before.

"I am, who are you?" Shen Yanran felt very strange, she guessed that Liu Wei introduced her to the job, and the person over there called her, but after a while, she felt that it was impossible, and her heart was full of doubts.

"I am Mr. Lei Zijun's assistant. I will arrange for Xiaolong's operation in the future. I have already contacted the hospital and I will be admitted to the hospital the day after tomorrow. I will inform you that I hope you will make preparations in advance." The person on the other end of the phone said The purpose of his call.

"Did he make you responsible? Could it be that he doesn't want to see me so much?" Shen Yanran asked back, she was feeling very complicated and disappointed at the moment.

Lei Zijun actually hated her to such an extent that he didn't even want to see her.

"I'm only responsible for informing you of this matter. I don't know about other matters. If there is nothing else, I will hang up first." The other party hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Shen Yanran felt her heart ache. That feeling was a kind of despair. She felt that she could not see any hope at all. She had never imagined that the development of the matter had completely deviated from her expectations.

She got off the bus and walked home on foot, looking devastated.When she was approaching the door of the house, she stopped to sort out her emotions, and kept those bad feelings in her heart. She couldn't let her parents see the flaws, otherwise she would be exposed soon.

She is telling more and more lies now, and one day it will reach the limit. She really doesn't know how to face it.

Back home, Shen Yanran had already put on a smiling face.

When Shen's mother saw her, she walked up to her and asked with concern, "Yanran, what happened, why did you come home until now."

"Mom, what can I do? I went to find Liu Wei. She asked me to have lunch at noon. He has already agreed to my request. He will come to our house after get off work tonight." Shen Yanran explained the process.

"It's good that it's okay. You kid didn't even say to call home to make us worry about you."

"I'll remember it, I won't do it next time." Shen Yanran replied lightly.

"Mom, where's Xiaolong?"

"He played for a while after lunch and was a little tired. Now he fell asleep."

Shen Yanran followed her mother to the back room and met Shen's father.

Shen Yanran decided to tell her parents about Xiaolong's illness, now that the matter has come to this point, she can't hide it anymore.

"Dad, I have something to tell you and Mom." Shen Yanran's expression was very serious.

Father Shen glanced at her, "Tell me what you want."

"This matter is about Xiaolong. This child has congenital heart disease since he was born, and he must undergo surgery to cure it. Lei Zijun has already made arrangements for Xiaolong. I will take Xiaolong to the hospital the day after tomorrow." Shen Yanran said The matter was briefly stated.

"Why didn't you mention this matter before?" Father Shen was surprised that his daughter kept such a big matter from them.

"I was afraid that you would be worried, so I didn't tell you that Xiaolong will recover soon after surgery. The reason why I went to find Lei Zijun was because of Xiaolong's illness. I simply can't afford the medical expenses." , so I can only think of the child's father, there is no other way." Shen Yanran felt very relieved when she said it.

"Since you have already made the arrangements, we won't say anything. After all, this is a major matter related to the child, and he is the most important in everything." Father Shen did not object.

(End of this chapter)

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