Sweet marriage

Chapter 507 Will not bet on her happiness again

Chapter 507 Will not bet on her happiness again (1)

Lei Zijun sat beside Chen Yiyi, and he didn't speak, enjoying the tranquility and warmth.

He recalled the past with Chen Yiyi, and found that they seldom went out for a walk together like this, and enjoyed being together like other people.

"Yiyi, if you like me, I will often go out for a walk with you in the future." Lei Zijun said seriously.

"Actually, if you don't want to, there's no need to cater to me." Chen Yiyi refused his kindness, how could she always take up his time.

"I'm not flattering you, I love you, so as long as you're happy, I'd like to take a walk with you." Lei Zijun had already gotten used to her indifference, and he wouldn't bother with her anymore.

Chen Yiyi looked into the distance and didn't look at him, her small mouth was slightly raised, "If you were so kind to me before, maybe we wouldn't be where we are today."

"I used to be very good to you, and it was all because of me. I lacked trust in you. I have figured it out now, and things like that will never happen again." Lei Zijun leaned on Chen Yi again, The two are almost stuck together.

A lock of Chen Yiyi's long hair was blown by the breeze, almost covering her eyes.

Lei Zijun thoughtfully put her long locks behind her ears.Chen Yiyi turned around and saw the gentle Lei Zijun, the two of them were so close, her heart began to speed up.

She didn't move, and she didn't want to move, she didn't let Lei Zijun stay away from her.She was also a little strange, her heart didn't seem to hate Lei Zijun very much, maybe he took good care of her and cooked delicious food for her, his cooking skills had already conquered her stomach.

Her morning sickness is not particularly severe recently, but occasionally she will feel uncomfortable, which can be avoided as long as she pays more attention.

After Lei Zijun went to work, she sometimes felt bored when she was alone at home. She should be happy when no one quarreled with her, but her reaction was just the opposite. She always felt that something was missing.

Chen Yiyi shook her head, trying to drive away her chaotic thoughts, what happened to her, she only spent a few days with Lei Zijun, sometimes she couldn't help but think of him.

"Yiyi, what are you thinking? I can't even hear you talking." Seeing that Chen Yiyi didn't respond for a long time, Lei Zijun couldn't help asking.No matter what, at least he had to give a response. He, a handsome guy, had been attentive to her for a long time, so he couldn't bear this kind of cold reception no matter what.

Chen Yiyi was a little embarrassed when she recovered, she cleared her throat and said, "I'm sorry, the night is so beautiful, I didn't hear what you said."

Lei Zijun was helpless, seeing Chen Yiyi's confused face, he knew that she was distracted just now, and he didn't care because she didn't push him away.

He put on a smiling face and said to Chen Yiyi, "Forget it, since you like the night, let's enjoy the scenery together, and don't let other things spoil your elegance."

Lei Zijun naturally put his arms around Chen Yiyi's shoulders and let her lean towards him.

Chen Yiyi didn't seem to resent letting him hug her.

I don't know how long it took, Chen Yiyi suddenly realized something, she stood up suddenly, she felt so ashamed, living with Lei Zijun for only a few days!She actually allowed him to hug her so intimately.

She walked a few steps away from Lei Zijun, pouted and said, "Who allowed you to hug me?"

"You didn't object, so I hugged you. What do you mean by asking me now? Do you want me to be responsible? I am very happy." Lei Zijun smiled happily.

(End of this chapter)

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