Sweet marriage

Chapter 508 Will not bet on her happiness again

Chapter 508 Will not bet on her happiness again (2)

Seeing his smiling face, Chen Yiyi felt that she had grown up.

"Lei Zijun, don't be too sentimental, okay, can you be so casual if I don't object? I tell you that I am not a casual woman, so you have to be more careful in the future." Chen Yiyi was a little annoyed, I don't know if it was because she couldn't help herself, Or because of Lei Zijun's rogue behavior.

"How can I be self-indulgent, someone seems to be enjoying it, this should not be able to deceive people, so don't speak your heart out." Lei Zijun put forward his own opinion, he knew that Chen Yiyi didn't treat him completely No feeling, not to mention that they had real feelings before, even if she forgot their past, he believed it was impossible for her to forget so completely.

"Please be careful with what you say. You forgot what was written in your guarantee letter, and you promised not to touch mine, but you made a foul." Chen Yiyi pointed out his mistake, even though he dared to make fun of her, his smiling face made her His heart became more and more uncontrollable, and seemed to be leaning towards him.

"I'm pregnant with a baby, remember not to get angry, I'm not good, can I apologize?" Lei Zijun compromised, he didn't want Chen Yiyi to be angry, he took control of the situation, and the bickering should be stopped in moderation.

Seeing that he lowered his posture like this, Chen Yiyi couldn't be more reasonable and forgiving, besides, what he said was also reasonable, she couldn't always be angry when she was pregnant with a child.

Seeing that it was getting late, Chen Yiyi turned around and walked towards home, followed closely by Lei Zijun.

"Yiyi, don't walk so fast while you're pregnant, okay? We're out for a walk, not for a run."

Chen Yiyi ignored him and quickened her pace, as if she wanted to compete with him deliberately.

Lei Zijun thought it was funny in his heart, this Chen Yiyi was such an adult, and he still acted like a child to get angry with him and chose to ignore him, he felt that he did not make any mistakes at all.

Chen Yiyi walked very fast, and suddenly a bicycle rushed out at the corner of the road. Chen Yiyi forgot to react for a moment, and froze in place.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lei Zijun quickly pulled Chen Yiyi to his side, and the bicycle rushed past Lei Zijun, scratching a large piece of Lei Zijun's arm.

The man on the bicycle didn't stop to apologize at all, and quickly disappeared from their sight.

Lei Zijun pulled Chen Yiyi to look left and right, and he was relieved when he saw that she was not injured, "What did you do, why don't you know how to avoid it."

Chen Yiyi saw the blood oozing from the injured part of Lei Zijun's hand, she didn't care about Lei Zijun's angry tone at all.

"Your hand is hurt, let's go home quickly, there is medicine at home, I'll help you deal with it." Chen Yiyi's eyes were full of concern, she was actually a little bit guilty, if it wasn't for her, maybe Lei Zijun wouldn't have been hurt .

Chen Yiyi mentioned that he only noticed the injury on the back of his hand, and he was glad that he was injured. If that person knocked Chen Yiyi down, there would be serious consequences.

"This little injury is nothing, but you have to be careful when you go out in the future, don't be so rash, you are pregnant with a child, what should you do if you make a mistake?" Lei Zijun tried his best to suppress his anger, expressing It's not too obvious, but the tone is really bad.

Chen Yiyi took out a tissue to help him wipe the blood on the back of his hands, and dragged him back quickly, but she didn't listen to what he said at all.

(End of this chapter)

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