Sweet marriage

Chapter 513 Will not bet on her happiness again

Chapter 513 Will not bet on her happiness again (7)

Lei Zijun looked at Chen Yiyi, felt that she was very calm, and wondered what arrangement she could have, "What arrangement do you have tomorrow, can you disclose it, maybe I can help you with something."

Chen Yiyi smiled, "It's a matter between us women. It's not convenient to tell you, so don't ask so much, okay. I want to remind you that we haven't gotten close enough to tell you everything, so There are some things you'd better put your curiosity to rest."

"I'm asking you for no other reason than because I care about you. You are pregnant with my child now, and I have the right to know everything about you and the child." Lei Zijun expressed his position, and Chen Yiyi made a point of breaking up with him. The way of clearing the boundaries made him very upset, but no matter how upset he was, he couldn't lose his temper with Chen Yiyi. They had built up a little rapport with them with great difficulty, and he didn't want to just lose everything and go back to the original point.

"Sorry, I don't want to tell you what to do, do you still want to force me to fail?" Chen Yiyi didn't plan to tell him, even if he asked, he wouldn't say anything, even if he had a good breakfast, he would ask everything Yes, it's really annoying.

Lei Zijun seemed unhappy when he saw Chen Yiyi's face, probably because he was bored with the question, and he decided not to ask any more.

If she doesn't tell him, he has his own way to know. In short, what he decided will not change. He will give himself a day off tomorrow.

"Okay, Yiyi, don't be angry, it's okay if I don't ask." Lei Zijun compromised.

Chen Yiyi sighed and said, "Are you being suspicious again, are you suspecting that I'm dating someone?"

Although she couldn't guess what was going on in his mind, she probably guessed that maybe it was because he was suspicious. In the past, it was because of his suspicion and distrust that caused her amnesia. Now it is like this again. Chen Yiyi feels that she is not worthy of his trust. She wondered if they could get along well in the future?
If she chooses to marry him for the sake of her child's good life, and he still doesn't trust her, she doubts how far such a marriage can go. She decides in her heart that she will seriously consider getting along with him, and never And then bet on her happiness.

"Yiyi, don't think that way. I definitely didn't mean that. I was just worried about your safety." Lei Zijun quickly explained, not wanting her to misunderstand.

"You don't need to explain, I know what to do. I'm full, please clean up the dishes." Chen Yiyi got up and left, went back to her room, and closed the door smoothly.

She doesn't want to see him for the time being, she has a baby in her stomach, and she doesn't want to be angry with him in her heart. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, it's better to avoid him.

Lei Zijun put down the chopsticks in his hand and walked to the door of Chen Yiyi's room, knocked lightly on the door, "Yiyi, if I say something wrong, don't be angry, I didn't mean it."

He waited outside the door for a long time, but Chen Yiyi didn't respond. Just as he was about to leave, he heard a voice from inside, "I'm fine, I just want to be quiet."

Lei Zijun stayed for a while and left, since she said it was all right, he had nothing to worry about, he just hoped that Chen Yiyi would not argue with him.

Their current relationship was bad enough, and he didn't want to continue to deteriorate.

After tidying up, Lei Zijun went to work in a complicated mood, he couldn't calm down at all, he was thinking about Chen Yiyi all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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