Sweet marriage

Chapter 517 Make Your Wife Satisfied

Chapter 517 Make Your Wife Satisfied (1)

"I can't hide anything from you. I followed you because I was worried about you. You can tell me directly. I will definitely accompany you to the prenatal checkup." Lei Zijun simply admitted generously.

"I can do it by myself, so why bother you." Chen Yiyi explained that she never thought of letting him accompany her to the hospital.

"No trouble, this is what I should do." Lei Zijun felt a little unhappy, Chen Yiyi was still so polite to him, how could he be the child's father, and it would be most appropriate for him to accompany Chen Yiyi to the prenatal checkup.

"Since you are so willing to help, then help me to pay the bill." Chen Yiyi was not polite, and his sudden appearance did not disgust her.Seeing other pregnant women coming for the checkup, they were all accompanied by their husbands, but she was alone, and felt strange as if something was missing.

Lei Zijun suddenly appeared, and she felt that she was no longer alone, her heart was warm, and the feeling of being cared for was not bad.

Lei Zijun helped Chen Yiyi pay the fee, and accompanied her to the ultrasound department for a color ultrasound. While waiting, the two of them sat on a chair and chatted casually.

There are so many coincidences, the hospital where Chen Yiyi came is actually the same hospital where Xiaolong was hospitalized.

Shen Yanran brought Xiaolong to have a heart ultrasound, and from a distance, she could see Lei Zijun and Chen Yiyi sitting together and chatting relaxedly.

She stopped and stared at the front, the pain in her heart began to spread, she couldn't help being jealous when she saw that they seemed to be very close, her teeth almost bit her lip, she tried her best not to let herself rush over, her reason told She, if she brings Xiaolong to appear in front of him now, he will definitely think that she has ulterior motives again, and he will definitely hate her even more in his heart.

Seeing Lei Zijun, Xiaolong wanted to drag her to find his father, but Shen Yanran stopped him in time and told him to keep silent, she was going to wait and see what happened, and would not be as impulsive as before.

"Mom, why don't we just go to find Dad?" Xiaolong asked curiously. He hadn't seen Lei Zijun for several days, and he wanted to see him very much.

He knew in his heart that Lei Zijun paid for the operation. Although he was very young, he understood a lot. He respected and appreciated Lei Zijun in his heart.

"Didn't you see that your father was with that woman? If we appeared now, we would definitely make father unhappy." Shen Yanran explained to Xiaolong in this way. The culprit of the relationship between Jun and Jun, the reason why she is today is thanks to Chen Yiyi, she is their common enemy.

She wanted Xiaolong to always remember that it was Chen Yiyi, that bad woman, who ruined their happiness. If it wasn't for Chen Yiyi, the ending would definitely not be the way it is now.

Shen Yanran felt her body tremble involuntarily, and her teeth were clenched together tightly, as if Chen Yiyi had a deep hatred for her, and there was a dangerous aura in her eyes at this moment.

Soon it was Chen Yiyi's turn to have a color Doppler ultrasound. She talked to Lei Zijun and walked into the Doppler Doppler Doppler room. At this moment, she was very nervous and afraid that there would be some bad results.

She hid her worry in her heart and did not dare to tell Lei Zijun what was in her heart.

Shen Yanran saw Chen Yiyi walk into the color ultrasound room, she adjusted her mentality, her face regained her calm and slightly sad.

After standing for a while, she pulled Xiaolong and walked towards Lei Zijun's direction. She wanted to seize this opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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