Sweet marriage

Chapter 518 Make Your Wife Satisfied

Chapter 518 Make Your Wife Satisfied (2)

Lei Zijun was surprised when he saw Shen Yanran, and then remembered that Xiaolong was admitted to this hospital.He completely handed over Xiaolong's matter to his assistant, just because he didn't want to have any contact with Shen Yanran, and he didn't expect to meet her here.

"Zijun, are you here to accompany her for the examination?" Shen Yanran spoke very carefully, fearing that if she was not careful, Lei Zijun would be angry again.

Xiaolong followed Chen Yanran without saying a word, he held her clothes tightly and stared at Lei Zijun, seeming to have a bit of resentment.It was he who neglected his mother and made her sad silently. Although he was still young, he didn't want to see his mother sad.

"Why are you here?" Lei Zijun asked coldly.

"I'll bring Xiaolong to do a color Doppler ultrasound." Shen Yanran answered briefly.

"What a coincidence."

Shen Yanran pulled Xiaolong to Lei Zijun, "Call Dad, don't you usually argue for Dad? We finally met, why don't you know how to speak?"

Xiaolong called out softly, "Father!" He didn't throw himself into his arms, obviously he was a little bit resistant to approaching Lei Zijun.

"Xiaolong is going to have surgery tomorrow. I'm worried about him. Can you come and see him?" Shen Yanran said her request. She hasn't seen Lei Zijun for many days, and I'm afraid there will be fewer opportunities to meet him in the future. .

"Don't worry, I've already made arrangements. I've already asked the doctor. His radical heart surgery will definitely be successful." Seeing Shen Yanran's haggard face, he knew that she must be worried about Xiaolong.

"Thank you for comforting me. If you have time, I would like you to come and see Xiaolong. He also needs your concern." Shen Yanran asked again.

Seeing the helplessness in her begging eyes, Lei Zijun couldn't bear it, so he gave her an affirmative answer by nodding his head.

At this time, the hospital's broadcast told Xiaolong to go to the third clinic for a color ultrasound of the heart. Shen Yanran wanted to say something more, but she didn't say anything, and she dragged Xiaolong away.

Looking at her lonely back, Lei Zijun could feel her helplessness and sadness.

Those things between them have become a thing of the past. Ever since meeting Xiaolong and hearing about Shen Yanran's tragic experience, his hatred for her has turned into sympathy.The love and hatred between them has been forgotten by him. He was too tired before, but now he has found the love that belongs to him. His cold heart is melted by Chen Yiyi. He wants to start a new life, and he does not want to live in in the memory of the past.

Shen Yanran was very clear about his thoughts, Lei Zijun was disgusted by what she did before.He hoped that Shen Yanran could forget the past and start a new life without disturbing him and Chen Yiyi.

After Chen Yiyi finished the examination, the doctor told her that the embryo was developing very well, and asked her to have the check-up on time. Her hanging heart was finally relieved, and her mood became very comfortable.Only then did she realize that being pregnant is like going to the battlefield, and she must be more careful at all times. In order to give birth to a healthy baby, she must be thoughtful in every aspect, read more books in advance, and keep some precautions in mind.

In order to ensure prenatal and postnatal care and prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in children, folic acid must be taken. Chen Yiyi only found out that she was pregnant later, and only after reading a book did she know that she had to take folic acid three months in advance. It is indeed a bit late for her to start taking it now. No matter what, she will insist on taking it anyway. Pregnancy and childbirth are actually a profound knowledge.

(End of this chapter)

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