Sweet marriage

Chapter 532 Trying to Accept His Love

Chapter 532 Trying to Accept His Love (6)

Lei Zijun also likes to cook by himself when he lives alone. He feels that the food he cooks is safe and clean.

Now that he lives with Chen Yiyi and she is pregnant with a child, he should cook by himself. This is the time for him to behave well.

He knew that Chen Yiyi had a problem with him in the first place, and this kind of accident happened again today. Although it was only a small matter, it reflected a problem.

Although Chen Yiyi has lost her memory, she quarreled with him because of this trivial matter, which shows that she actually cares about him in her heart, but she just doesn't want to admit it.

"Is it because you cooked when we were together?" Chen Yiyi asked.

"Not all, sometimes you will help me, we have a very happy division of labor and cooperation." Lei Zijun said honestly.

"To be honest, sometimes I think you are really a good man. You are handsome and have a successful career. I am curious what do you like about me?" Chen Yiyi raised her head and looked at Lei Zijun. She didn't know what attracted her to him. He, let him be so persistent and reluctant to let go, and even lose control because of her rejection.

"Emotional matters really depend on fate. We met together by fate. We should cherish it, but so many things happened. Maybe it's God's test for us." Lei Zijun was a little emotional when thinking about the past.

Chen Yiyi didn't speak and listened carefully. Now she also wanted to know him a little more, give him a chance, and give herself a chance.

Her rationality told her to stay away from Lei Zijun, but her heart seemed to have deviated from the track and was out of her control.

"You are a gentle and kind girl. It is your kindness that touched me. I feel very relaxed when we are together. Maybe we were husband and wife in our previous life. We met in this life and we got together naturally. I don't know. When did I fall in love with you, maybe from the first time we met, you lived in my heart." Lei Zijun said his inner feelings.

"Am I that good in your heart? I remember that I have quarreled with you many times these days, and even made you angry. I feel ashamed for you to judge me like this." Chen Yiyi was a little embarrassed. His attitude had nothing to do with tenderness.

"What I'm saying is from the bottom of my heart. We have been unhappy recently, which is understandable, but because of this incident, I can see clearly the problems that exist between us. There is a lack of trust between us, and there is also a lack of confidence. Tolerance and understanding." It is not easy to manage a relationship well, and there is a lot of knowledge in it, which is constantly perfected in the process of development.

People are not perfect, and neither is love. There is no perfect love. They all need mutual understanding and tolerance. Life in the future cannot be smooth sailing, and there will be bumps and bumps. If you want to live well, you must learn how to adapt to each other and tolerate each other. Love each other, giving is two-sided, and the return is naturally two-sided.

"Perhaps, love is beautiful, but it is also very tormenting." Chen Yiyi expressed her opinion.

"I am confident that we will have a very happy life. For the sake of the child, don't you stop making trouble with me, okay? I admit that I am wrong. Sometimes what you see is not necessarily the truth. I won't tell you the truth. That is Because I think it’s better not to tell you than to tell you, so no matter what I do, it’s always about your feelings.”

(End of this chapter)

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