Sweet marriage

Chapter 533 Trying to Accept His Love

Chapter 533 Trying to Accept His Love (7)

Chen Yiyi listened carefully to what he said, and she took it into her heart. It is true that now she has no trust in him at all, and she doesn't care at all if he treats her well.All she was thinking about was how to separate from him and not get entangled with him. How could she see his goodness and his sincerity when she got along with him with such a mentality.

She knew that she was not a hard-hearted person, and she didn't feel indifferent to Lei Zijun's actions, but chose to ignore them, and kept reminding herself not to fall into his gentle trap, she was wary of him.

"You tell me this, and I feel enlightened." There is no hurdle in the world, the key is whether you dare or not. Chen Yiyi realized that she was afraid to face Lei Zijun's love for her before, and she was always in the heart. Resist, keep him out of the heart.

"Now do you think I'm a rare good man?" Lei Zijun put a smile on his face, he really hoped that Chen Yiyi could figure it out, stop shutting him out of his heart, and try to be brave accept his love.

"Don't be too proud of yourself, I didn't promise to start over with you, so you still need to keep working hard." Chen Yiyi is in a much better mood now, she doesn't want to worry too much and put too much pressure on herself, Want to obey the heart, let love go its own way.

"That's for sure. I will keep working hard until you are satisfied." Lei Zijun said solemnly.

He is in a much better mood now, all he thinks about is that Chen Yiyi can get back together with him, as long as Chen Yiyi can fall in love with him again, it doesn't matter whether she can recover her memory or not.

"I'd say it's hard, will you shrink back?" Chen Yiyi asked tentatively, in fact she could guess in her heart that with Lei Zijun's persistence, he would not give up easily.

"What do you think? I will never let go. You can only be my wife and my child's mother in this life." Lei Zijun smiled happily, the kind of happiness that came from the heart, as if the relationship between them The misunderstanding has been resolved, the most important thing now is that Chen Yiyi can fully accept him.

Chen Yiyi curled her lips, it seems that she has fallen into his hands in this life, and she can't escape even if she wants to, alas!She had to accept her fate.

"It's up to you, as long as you don't make me angry, don't force me to do things I don't like, and don't get out of control and scare me." Chen Yiyi's requirements are not high, she is a simple person, and she wants to live a simple and happy life. Life, but with Lei Zijun involved, she wants to live a more ordinary life, which is a bit of a luxury.

"Don't worry about this, it won't happen in the future." Lei Zijun promised.

Chen Yiyi buried her head and continued to eat, ignoring him.She felt that when she met such a persistent and naughty man, she didn't care at all, and obediently fell into the gentle trap he woven for her, unable to extricate herself.

"Yiyi, I'm going back to my hometown with you tomorrow, can you go home with me tonight to meet my parents?" Lei Zijun asked tentatively, his mother had long asked him to bring Chen Yiyi Going home, because of Chen Yiyi's amnesia, he never dared to take her back.

Chen Yiyi thought for a moment, then nodded and agreed.

"However, I'm really a little afraid that my uncle and aunt will be angry if I say inappropriate words." Chen Yiyi also has her own concerns, and she knows that her current amnesia should not be known to his parents.

(End of this chapter)

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