Sweet marriage

Chapter 534 Trying to Accept His Love

Chapter 534 Trying to Accept His Love (8)

"Don't worry about it. My parents are very easy to get along with, and you used to get along very well. When you go to my house, just smile as much as possible and talk less. I will help you." Lei Zijun comforted Chen Yiyi, let her not worry too much.

"As you said, you have to help me when the time comes. I was completely dragged into the water by you. You can't leave me alone." With his assurance, Chen Yiyi was not as nervous as before.

To tell the truth, when she was asked to meet Lei Zijun's parents, she was really a little apprehensive, wondering if his parents were easy to get along with.Chen Yiyi knows herself very well, she is not the kind of flatterer, it seems a bit difficult for her to please his parents with sweet words.

"Okay, I will definitely help you." Lei Zijun thought to himself that this girl is too timid.Thinking about it carefully, this matter is justifiable. She forgot a lot of things, and she really couldn't tell her parents. For Chen Yiyi who blushed when she lied, it was indeed a bit embarrassing for her.

"You can just arrange it. Anyway, if I reveal my secrets, it won't do you any good." Chen Yiyi whispered, they are tied together now, and no one can escape.

"Come to the company with me if you are free this afternoon, and we will go home together after get off work."

"Can I not go to the company with you?" Chen Yiyi objected.

"Think about it, I have to pick you up after get off work, it's not as convenient as you go to the company with me."

Chen Yiyi thought about what he said made sense, so she agreed to his request.

After lunch, Chen Yiyi saw that it was still early, so she went to take a nap.

She didn't wake up until three o'clock in the afternoon. When she opened her eyes, she thought of Lei Zijun. She got off the bed and went straight to the living room. Seeing Lei Zijun busy in front of the laptop, she was a little embarrassed to ask him to wait for her.

"Are you awake?" Lei Zijun raised his head and asked when he saw Chen Yiyi.

"Why didn't you wake me up, it's so late."

"It's okay, there's nothing serious in the company, it's okay to be late." Seeing Chen Yiyi's apologetic look, Lei Zijun couldn't bear it, and told her not to take it too seriously.

"Oh! Just wait for me a little longer, I'll be fine soon." Chen Yiyi didn't want to waste any more time, and ran into the bathroom to wash up.

"You are pregnant with a child now, don't be so reckless." Seeing that she was so impatient, Lei Zijun was a little worried about the child in her womb, her carelessness was really not reassuring.

Hearing what Lei Zijun said, Chen Yiyi stuck out her little tongue, she thought she was not so delicate.

After washing up and changing clothes, Chen Yiyi appeared in front of Lei Zijun.

"What's wrong, what's wrong with me?" Chen Yiyi couldn't help asking when she saw Lei Zijun staring at her in a daze, touched her face.

"Very good, let's go!" Lei Zijun took Chen Yiyi's hand naturally, and the two went out together.To be honest, Chen Yiyi is still a little unaccustomed to him pulling her, and always feels a little weird, maybe it's because she hasn't fallen in love with him yet.

Chen Yiyi tried to withdraw her hand.

"What's wrong?" Lei Zijun looked at her and asked.

"I'm not used to it, can you let me go?" Chen Yiyi answered honestly.

Lei Zijun smiled, "You'll get used to it gradually, if you don't learn to adapt, it's easy to slip in front of my parents."

Lei Zijun did not let her go, but pulled her to continue walking.

(End of this chapter)

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