Sweet marriage

Chapter 535 Trying to Accept His Love

Chapter 535 Trying to Accept His Love (9)

"Tell them the truth, they can still eat you." Chen Yiyi protested softly, she was right, what was she afraid of, he was the one who should be afraid.

"What you said is also reasonable. It's best to tell the truth, but don't you feel a little sorry for making the elderly worry about us." Lei Zijun began to reason with her.

"Indeed, I will behave better and try my best not to show off." Chen Yiyi compromised, she was soft-hearted.

"I know you are kind, and you won't have the heart to see my parents worry about us." Lei Zijun said with a smile.

He felt that he knew Chen Yiyi more and more, and he was full of confidence in their future.

"You're sincere, aren't you? I can't do anything against you if I'm determined." Chen Yiyi felt that he was too cunning, and her narrow-mindedness was much worse than his.After all, he is also an old fritter who has worked in the mall for many years, but she is at best a rookie in front of him.

When they used the elevator to go downstairs, they unexpectedly ran into Lin Yiyang who came back from the outside.

"Are you reconciled?" Seeing them holding hands, Lin Yiyang naturally understood.

"Mr. Lin, we can always meet you. We are really destined." Lei Zijun looked normal and calm, but actually his heart was not peaceful.

He knew very well that Lin Yiyang had nothing to do with Chen Yiyi, but he still felt a little unhappy seeing him, after all, the conflict between him and Chen Yiyi was also caused by him.Although he is also very innocent, whoever said that those things have nothing to do with him, without his existence, so many things would not have happened.As for Fang Ruoxi's matter, Lei Zijun hasn't settled with him yet.

"Yiyi, it seems that Mr. Lei doesn't want to see me, have you told him that we are good friends now?" Lin Yiyang said fearlessly.

Lei Zijun's current performance made Lin Yiyang very unhappy. After so many things, he didn't make any progress at all, and he was still jealous when he had nothing to do.

"Yiyang, I'm sorry, don't take it to heart." Chen Yiyi said with a smile.

"We still have something to do, so let's go first." Lei Zijun didn't let them continue chatting, and pulled Chen Yiyi away.He didn't want to hear them talk about family matters together. When did they become friends? He was very curious and upset. It seemed that there were many things he didn't understand.

Chen Yiyi turned her head and waved at Lin Yiyang.

"Yiyi, when did the two of you become so familiar?" Lei Zijun was a little apprehensive, and his words were a little cold.

"Here again, he helped me, it's normal for us to be friends." Chen Yiyi said lightly.

This Lei Zijun is jealous enough, he is always so suspicious.

"I remember, you didn't know each other so well before, and you suddenly became so close, I naturally want to know what's going on." Lei Zijun suddenly stopped and turned around, Chen Yiyi didn't react and slammed into his arms.

"What are you doing? You hurt my nose." Chen Yiyi rubbed her nose with her small hands.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Would you like me to take a look for you?" Lei Zijun was a little nervous.

"You're not a doctor, what can you see." Chen Yiyi covered her nose, stepped back and looked at him.Seeing his nervous look, she felt a little bit angry and all dissipated.

"How about I take you to the hospital to see a doctor." Lei Zijun suddenly said.

He can't read it, but he can take her to the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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