Sweet marriage

Chapter 536 Trying to Accept His Love

Chapter 536 Trying to Accept His Love (10)

"No need, the pain will stop after a while, you can't do this again in the future." Chen Yiyi refused, such a little pain didn't make her go to the hospital.

"It's very sunny outside, what's the matter, let's talk about it in the car." Lei Zijun walked towards his car, he needed to calm down, and he couldn't be impulsive anymore.

Chen Yiyi silently followed behind him, feeling that her nose didn't hurt too much, so she let go of covering her nose.

The two got into the car one after the other, Lei Zijun didn't start the car, he seemed to have a lot to ask Chen Yiyi.He knew that he shouldn't doubt her or disbelieve her, but he felt a little unhappy and wanted to hear what she said.

"Ask something, don't be bored." Chen Yiyi spoke first, she couldn't stand the dull atmosphere.

If he has any questions, he can ask them directly, and she has nothing to hide from her frankness.

"It's nothing, I just want to know when Lin Yiyang became friends with you?" Lei Zijun stopped holding back and asked.

"It's just a recent thing. When I'm bored, I will go to him to chat. We chat very well. He has helped me many times, so we became friends. I think it's normal." Chen Yiyi thinks that she has completely The right to make friends.

"Stay away from him in the future, he is not a good person." Lei Zijun reminded Chen Yiyi.

"I know you have prejudice against him. I can judge whether he is a good person or not." Chen Yiyi didn't want to get angry with him, and reasoned with him calmly.

She could feel that Lin Yiyang was a nice man, at least he didn't have any ill intentions towards her, and he had helped her many times.

"He is not as good as you see. He approached you for a purpose from the very beginning." Lei Zijun didn't know how to explain Fang Ruoxi's incident to her. After all, Chen Yiyi had forgotten many things, even if If you tell her, she may not believe it.

"I'd like to hear what purpose he can have. Do you know that he has persuaded me to reconcile with you more than once, say good things for you, and let me not give up on you, even if he has a purpose, it should be for your own good. Be a lobbyist for you." Chen Yiyi sighed, expressing her views on Lin Yiyang, she didn't want Lei Zijun to get involved in their lives again because of her misunderstanding of others, he has been implicated by her more than once Well, how dare she let him take the blame again.

"You said he persuaded you to reconcile with me." Lei Zijun was still a little skeptical.

Although both Fang Ruoxi and Qin Ming had said that Lin Yiyang was a responsible man, but because Chen Yiyi was involved, Lei Zijun still had doubts about him.

"He didn't say anything bad about you, and he didn't provoke our relationship. What purpose do you think he can have? I'm pregnant with your child. He is a beautiful man no matter what, so he won't be interested in me, a pregnant woman, right? .” Chen Yiyi gave Lei Zijun a lot of analysis.

Lei Zijun pondered for a moment, he thought that he should have time to ask Lin Yiyang out for a chat, maybe after getting to know him, his worries would be dispelled.

"Maybe I misunderstood him, and I won't do this again in the future." Lei Zijun said lightly.

Chen Yiyi was able to talk to him about this sensitive topic so frankly, and he once misunderstood that the two of them were related, it was funny to think about it.

It was because he cared too much about Chen Yiyi that he didn't want Chen Yiyi to get too close to Lin Yiyang. There was a shadow of the past in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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