Sweet marriage

Chapter 540 Accompany Her Chapter House

Chapter 540 Accompany her home (4)

"Yiyi, I have something to do with Qin Ming, please sit in the office and don't run around, I will be back soon." Lei Zijun instructed.

"Go and do your work, don't worry about me." Chen Yiyi said gently.

Qin Ming obviously felt that Chen Yiyi's attitude towards Lei Zijun was very good, it was a little more gentle than the previous tit-for-tat, it seemed that she was still the gentle and kind Chen Yiyi before.This is really different treatment for different people, Qin Ming felt a little bitter.

Lei Zijun and Qin Ming left the office one after the other and came to the conference room.

"I'm going to accompany Chen Yiyi back to my hometown tomorrow. I've already made arrangements for things in the company, but I'm a little worried about Xiaolong's side. Take time to help me visit him." Lei Zijun is most worried about Xiaolong. After the operation, I'm afraid he has something to do, so I don't have time to see him.

He didn't tell Chen Yiyi about Xiaolong's illness, but Qin Ming knew about it. They were best friends, so he had no choice but to ask him about it.

"Have you seen Shen Yanran again?"

"The day Xiaolong had the operation, I saw her once. She seemed to have changed a lot, and she probably figured it out." Lei Zijun didn't hide it.

"I advise you not to be confused by false appearances, think about how much she has caused you in the past, and don't meet her again in the future. The relationship between you and Chen Yiyi is already very tense. If you get involved with Shen Yanran again, If Chen Yiyi finds out, there will be trouble again. There is no woman who doesn't care about this kind of thing, if she doesn't care, it means she doesn't love you at all." Qin Ming hoped that Lei Zijun would stay away from Shen Yanran.

"I know, maybe everything will be fine in the future." Lei Zijun made up his mind. When he returned to Chen Yiyi's hometown this time, he would ask the elders of the Chen family to agree that they would get the certificate first. As for when to get married, he would fight for Chen Yiyi. Views.

"Zijun, what's going on with you and Chen Yiyi, does she accept you now?" On the surface, they seem to be really good, but he is a little worried that they are acting, and there are still problems in reality.

"It's really good. She said that she would try to date me. She can't find me with such a good condition. Anyone will seriously consider it. Besides, she is pregnant with my child now, and she is no longer married. There is no choice." Lei Zijun still has great confidence in himself now, not to mention that Chen Yiyi is also changing and is trying to accept him.

"It's good that it's okay, this girl's attitude towards you looks much better than before." Qin Ming still prefers the old Chen Yiyi.

"It's really much better, and this is also the result of my hard work." Lei Zijun felt less pressure in his heart, and felt a lot more relaxed.

Qin Ming scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed to say something, "Zijun, that... do you still blame Ruoxi for that matter?"

Fang Ruoxi is always unhappy today, no matter how much he teases her, he can't make her happy, he knows she has something on her mind, and he is still brooding about Lei Zijun.When she knew that because Shen Yanran made a fuss about Chen Yiyi and Lin Yiyang, she made up things that didn't exist, causing Chen Yiyi to lose her memory and Lei Zijun to be sad, she felt even more guilty.

"It's over, and she knows she's wrong, I won't be so petty to hold on to it." What can Lei Zijun say?He regards Fang Ruoxi as his younger sister, even if he was angry, most of it has disappeared now, the rest is time, and he will naturally forget it after a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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