Sweet marriage

Chapter 541 Accompany Her Chapter House

Chapter 541 Accompany her home (5)

"You really don't blame her anymore, I think she will be very happy to hear the news." Qin Ming regained his energy immediately, and really wanted to fly to Fang Ruoxi's side right now and tell her the good news.

He didn't want to see Fang Ruoxi worry about this matter anymore, he wanted to see her happy.This incident is a heart disease of hers, which has seriously affected her life.

"How is she?"

"It's not good. I feel guilty about this every day. She really doesn't want to lose your brother, and she regrets the wrong things she did before." Fang Ruoxi is also a kind girl. She was yearned for by her before. Love blinded her eyes, and she did those stupid things. When she calmed down, she didn't know that she would become so outrageous and completely lost her mind. Fortunately, there were no serious consequences.

"Go and tell her, I don't blame her anymore." Lei Zijun knew that Qin Ming had always liked Fang Ruoxi, and it was a good thing that they got together, he couldn't make his good brother feel embarrassed no matter what.

"It's best for you, I'm here to thank you." Qin Ming was very happy.

As long as the CEO is happy, nothing will happen and everything will be resolved.

Lei Zijun patted him on the shoulder, "Is there any need to be so polite between us? After all, I also regard Ruoxi as my younger sister, and you like her, for your sake, I shouldn't bother with her." .”

"I didn't expect me to have such a high status in your heart. You really deserve to be my good brother." Now Qin Ming's heart has fallen. Lei Zijun can handle his own affairs completely. After all, Chen Yiyi treated him before He has feelings, even if he is forgotten, it is impossible to forget him so thoroughly, as long as Lei Zijun works hard, the possibility of them getting together is very high, so naturally he has nothing to worry about.

He was a little excited now, Fang Ruoxi was always on his mind, and he had no intention of chatting with Lei Zijun anymore.

"That's being polite again. See if you're absent-minded. Let's do something first." Seeing Qin Ming's eagerness, Lei Zijun already guessed the general idea.

"Since you said that, then I'll get to work. You know me best." Qin Ming punched him back, but Lei Zijun easily dodged it.

He smiled and left quickly. He wanted to call Fang Ruoxi to tell Fang Ruoxi the good news.


Chen Yiyi was bored. Looking at this office, she felt more and more familiar. She went out of the office and wanted to take a walk. When she saw the place where she used to work, she felt inexplicably kind and familiar.

She walked to the desk and took a look at the photo on the desk. The girl in the photo was herself smiling happily.

Since she stopped coming to work, a lot of things happened. Lei Zijun didn't find a secretary anymore, and the place remained the same.

Chen Yiyi sat where she used to sit, staring at the photos on the table in a daze, and sporadic fragments seemed to flash in her mind.

Qin Ming came out of the conference room, saw Chen Yiyi waved goodbye to her, hurriedly got on the elevator and left.

Lei Zijun walked up to Chen Yiyi and asked, "Do you think this place is very familiar?"

"Well, there is indeed a familiar feeling." Chen Yiyi said honestly, she also wanted to remember something, but it was limited to this, and she still couldn't remember all the things before.

(End of this chapter)

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