Sweet marriage

Chapter 542 Accompany Her Chapter House

Chapter 542 Accompany her home (6)

"Don't be too impatient, just let nature take its course." Lei Zijun has already figured it out, it doesn't matter if she can't remember, at worst, he will work harder to catch her again.

"Now that you know you don't force me, you have made some progress. I hope you will continue to work hard and don't let me down." Chen Yiyi began to praise Lei Zijun.

She knew very well in her heart that their way of getting along should be changed. If they continue to be incompatible as before, it will be difficult for them to have any results, and maybe they will completely piss off Lei Zijun. Why don't she take a step back and say It may not be the sea and the sky.

You walk your own way, you can't go all the way to the dark, you have to change when you have to change, why can't you make it difficult for yourself.

"When did you learn to be so glib? It's not like you at all." Lei Zijun teased, Chen Yiyi can joke with him now, what an improvement.

"Then do you like me now or me before?" Chen Yiyi asked casually.

"Whether it is now or in the past, you are still you, I like you. Although sometimes you are a bit unreasonable, but you still do not lose your kindness and true nature." Lei Zijun said bluntly, although the current Chen Yiyi sometimes makes him angry Crazy, but that did not affect his love for her, her heart has not changed, she is still so kind.

"You're not the same. You tricked me with sweet words. I'm not as good as you said." Chen Yiyi was a little shy, and she couldn't help boasting.

"I can't take it anymore. Would you like me to say some real sweet words." Lei Zijun slowly approached her, gave him a big smile, and showed her his masculine charm.

"No, you'd better keep it to yourself, it's useless to me." Chen Yiyi hastily objected, she was not very interested in those nasty words, she was afraid that she would get goosebumps, after all, she hadn't fallen in love yet Lei Zijun, it seems a little too early to say those love words.

"I keep it for your use. It's better to use it later than to use it early, so that you can get used to it in advance." Seeing Chen Yiyi's nervous look, Lei Zijun couldn't help but want to tease her.

"It's better to avoid it, I don't need it."

"Just kidding, don't take it seriously." Seeing Chen Yiyi's face down, he quickly coaxed her.

"Stop making such jokes in the future, it's not funny at all." Chen Yiyi stood up, wanting to look elsewhere.

"I'm going to have a meeting later, so you can wander around on the top floor to familiarize yourself with the environment, and maybe you can think of something." Lei Zijun explained a few words.

"I think you should not have too much hope." Chen Yiyi didn't deliberately hit him, but she didn't have much confidence in herself. Recovering memories can't be recovered overnight. She has decided to let nature take its course, and her expectations are not too high. high.

"Rest over there. If you are tired, go there and wait for me. Don't run around on other floors of the company, so as not to get into trouble." Lei Zijun pointed her in the direction of the lounge.He doesn't want Chen Yiyi to hear any more gossip. After all, there are so many people in the company, many of whom are jealous of Chen Yiyi. It's best to avoid it. He doesn't want Chen Yiyi to be stimulated again, even if it's verbal. no.

"I'm not a child, I know what to do, you can go to your meeting without worry." Chen Yiyi felt very helpless, Lei Zijun was too worried about her, and always treated her like a child, she I think I shouldn't be so careless.

(End of this chapter)

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