Sweet marriage

Chapter 543 Accompany Her Chapter House

Chapter 543 Accompany her home (7)

Chen Yiyi followed Lei Zijun back to the Lei family's villa. Although Chen Yiyi had prepared herself, she was still a little nervous when she saw the second elder of the Lei family. Fortunately, Lei Zijun sat beside her and pulled Her hands give her encouragement.

"Yiyi, why have you lost weight recently? You are pregnant now, so you should eat more." Lei's mother said with concern.

"Really? I don't think I've lost weight, maybe it's because my aunt hasn't seen me for a while." Chen Yiyi said with a smile, worried that the second elder of the Lei family would find out that something was wrong.

"It's not convenient for you to live alone with your child. Why don't you come and live with us today, so that we can take care of you conveniently." Lei's mother is a little worried about Chen Yiyi. She is pregnant with her child, and now is the most important period Nothing can go wrong.

Chen Yiyi was a little embarrassed, she looked at Lei Zijun beside her and asked him for help.

"Mom, Yiyi is a little homesick. I'm going to take her home for a few days tomorrow. You don't have to worry about her affairs. I have my own arrangements." Lei Zijun came to the rescue in time, and he couldn't let Chen Yiyi get into trouble.

"Why didn't you say it earlier, your father and I will prepare some gifts for Yiyi's parents, or else you can go another day, and I will be ready tomorrow." Lei's mother felt a little sudden, such an important matter, her son did not advance Talk to them.

"Mom, don't worry about it, I'm ready."

"You kid doesn't know anything to tell us." Lei's mother said with a bit of blame in her tone.

She took Chen Yiyi's hand and said kindly, "Yiyi, come home this time, take me and your uncle to say hello to your parents, and have fun at home for a few days, seeing that your wedding is coming soon, take care of yourself Get ready, if you need anything, just ask Auntie." Lei's mother had a kind face.

Chen Yiyi had a smile on her face, but she was actually a little nervous inside.

Lei's mother was too enthusiastic about her, which was completely different from what she had thought at first. Lei Zijun didn't lie to her. His parents were really easy to get along with, and they didn't put on airs at all, which is really rare in this society.

"Yiyi, you talk to my mother for a while, my father and I are a little bit sorry first." Lei Zijun smiled at her as an encouragement to her, he wants Chen Yiyi to be alone with his mother, maybe it won't take long They will get acquainted.

Chen Yiyi was a little reluctant in her heart, but she couldn't show it. She had to smile back at him, which was a rhythm that couldn't be described.

Lei Zijun went to the study with his father, leaving Chen Yiyi to chat with Lei's mother.

Gradually, Chen Yiyi became less nervous, and chatted with Lei's mother without saying a word. She was very careful when she spoke, and tried not to let herself be confused.

She knew that it would be no good for the second elder to know about their affairs, she had already decided to get along well with Lei Zijun, and they would eventually get together.

"Yiyi, the baby is a few months old, did you go to the hospital for a prenatal checkup?" Lei's mother was very concerned about Chen Yiyi, and she was very happy to think that she would be able to hold her grandson or granddaughter soon.

"Zijun checked with me a few days ago, the child is fine, and it's only been over a month now." Chen Yiyi answered truthfully.

"You go back and discuss with your parents this time. You and Zijun should get the certificate first. Seeing that the wedding is coming soon, prepare everything in advance." Lei's mother instructed.

"I got it." Chen Yiyi was beating drums in her heart, she was not ready to get the certificate from him yet, it felt a little sudden.

(End of this chapter)

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