Sweet marriage

Chapter 546 Accompany Her Chapter House

Chapter 546 Accompany her home (10)

Lei's father was a little scared when he heard his son say this, but fortunately there were no consequences, otherwise his wife would definitely feel guilty.It seems that whatever can be resolved peacefully is the best.

"Don't tell your mother about this in advance, I will persuade her if there is anything." Lei's father began to compromise. He felt that what his son said made sense. For the sake of the child, we should respect the child's choice.

"I see." Lei Zijun agreed, as long as he could get his father's support, he would be much more at ease.

At this time, the servants of the family came to invite them to dinner, and the father and son came to the restaurant with their own concerns.

Lei Zijun sat in front of Chen Yiyi and asked her if she could handle it.

Chen Yiyi smiled and said it was okay.

"Zijun, I told Yiyi that after you came back from the countryside, you went to get the certificate. You should have no objection." Lei's mother looked at her son and said, she seemed to feel that Chen Yiyi had something on her mind.

"I also have that intention." Lei Zijun looked at Chen Yiyi and replied with a smile.It is the safest thing to tie her by your side first, and she will have to weigh it up if she wants to regret it in the future, and she is not the only one who has the final say.

Chen Yiyi glared at him in protest, she was completely being held in his hands and at his mercy.

"Since none of you have any objections, let's settle this matter first." Lei's mother said with a smile. Her son's life-long event has finally been resolved, and soon there will be a grandson or granddaughter. She has been looking forward to it for so many years and finally sees hope , I feel very comfortable.

Chen Yiyi opened her mouth and didn't say anything. Seeing how happy the two elders of the Lei family were, she really couldn't bear to make them unhappy.

Who told her to be soft-hearted, bear with it beforehand, and when there are only the two of them left, she and Lei Zijun will slowly settle the matter.

The meal was quite enjoyable, and after the meal, he said goodbye to the elders, and Lei Zijun and Chen Yiyi left Lei's villa together.

Lei's mother saw that it was getting late, and asked them not to leave after staying at home for one night, but Chen Yiyi politely refused, she didn't want to face Lei Zijun in embarrassment.

The car was driving smoothly, Chen Yiyi squinted her eyes slightly, her small mouth was stubborn, looked at Lei Zijun who was concentrating on driving, and thought that he was really calm, she had a lot of problems here, he was indeed a It looked calm and breezy.

"If you have something to say, don't hold it in your heart." Lei Zijun said suddenly.

"Are you a roundworm in my stomach? How do you know that I have something to say?" Chen Yiyi felt that she was almost transparent in front of him, and she would be easily seen through if she had something on her mind.

Lei Zijun smiled, "What is our relationship, I naturally know what you think."

"Then tell me, what am I thinking? Don't make our relationship so close, you are just accepting my test now, and I will agree to associate with you only when I am satisfied." Chen Yiyi said Make it clear to him, lest he misunderstand that she has promised him that she will marry him.

"No, if you passed your test and just agreed to date me, wouldn't our marriage be in the foreseeable future? That's not acceptable. Our child will be born in a complete family." Lei Zijun protested, and Chen Yiyi was too Harsh too.

"What's the matter, if you have any opinions, please bring them up as soon as possible, so that you won't regret it later." Chen Yiyi did it on purpose now, causing her to be depressed for a long time at his house, and she wants to get it back.

"I plan to marry you as soon as possible, and our wedding will be held as scheduled." Lei Zijun announced loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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