Sweet marriage

Chapter 547 Their relationship is not simple

Chapter 547 Their relationship is not simple (1)

Lei Zijun was going to confront Chen Yiyi. Although he knew that Chen Yiyi was mostly joking, he was still unhappy.

"What if I disagree?" Chen Yiyi asked back.

"You probably don't want your parents to know about this." Lei Zijun said lightly. He has practiced now, so he can keep calm and make some progress.

"I helped you, you can't turn your back on someone." Chen Yiyi didn't expect him to threaten her.

"I have no other intentions, as long as you behave obediently and everything is negotiable." The corners of Lei Zijun's lips curled up, wanting to play tricks on him, she was still young.

"Do you know that you are very bad, how can you threaten me?" Chen Yiyi was a little angry.

"Okay, let's calm down first, let's discuss what we have to say slowly, don't threaten me not to marry me every now and then. You say you are pregnant with my child, who will you marry if you don't marry me! If I listen again If you come across something similar, I will punish you even if you are angry." Lei Zijun declared his rights in a good-tempered manner.

"Who allowed you to punish me, I want to hear how you will punish me." Chen Yiyi protested, just as he treated him better, he didn't know what his last name was, so he treated her like this.It seems that a woman can't be too nice to a man, she has to hang his appetite all the time, if she is too nice to him, she will spoil him, and the one who suffers will definitely be the woman.

Chen Yiyi is a little regretful now, she shouldn't accompany him back home this time, making herself so passive.

"My punishment is very simple. I will punish you not to go home until you realize your mistake." Lei Zijun said with a smile.

"How could you be like this? You're so unreasonable. Threatening me is fine, but you still want to go back on what you promised me. Do you take all the good things in the world? Do you know who I hate the most?" Chen Yiyi Don't show weakness, she is not the kind of person who will give in easily, the more you choke her, the more energetic she will be, if you say something nice to her, she will soften her heart.

"tell me the story!"

"What I hate the most are those hypocrites who don't count their words." Chen Yiyi spoke loudly.

Lei Zijun plucked his ears symbolically, as if her voice was really loud enough to shock him, "That's it! So I will keep my word and marry you as scheduled, so you should be satisfied, right? .”

Chen Yiyi leaned back on the seat, she was completely surrounded by him, "I'm not talking about that, don't confuse it, and I didn't ask you to marry me! You can't force me to be me The things you don't like are clearly written in the agreement." Chen Yiyi began to protest, she would not give up easily.

"It seems that you have the final say. Do you make an agreement to say that I am interested? Then what do you say? Tell your parents that you are pregnant with my child, but we are not married, or tell them that you abandoned me "Lei Zijun felt that bickering with her was also quite interesting, life was not plain, like a bowl of clear water would be boring instead.

"Okay, let's not talk about this." Chen Yiyi felt a little headache now, she was on his boat and couldn't get off, it was really hard to get out.

"Well, let's go home tomorrow and listen to your parents' opinions. If they don't object to us getting the certificate, we will obey the old man's wish." Lei Zijun felt very proud, and Chen Yiyi didn't want to escape from his grasp.

(End of this chapter)

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