Sweet marriage

Chapter 548 Their relationship is not simple

Chapter 548 Their relationship is not simple (2)

"You are obviously bullying me, you know my parents will definitely agree." Chen Yiyi felt very frustrated.

"Yiyi, you are stubborn. Who are our parents for? Don't they just want us to live happily, so you just want to stop doing stupid things." Lei Zijun began to preach, and he understood As for Chen Yiyi's weakness, what she cares most about is her parents, she doesn't want them to worry about her, she will take on whatever she can do by herself.

"Don't tell me the truth, I'm not forced by you, it's your fault from the beginning to the end, please don't rely on me, okay, don't let me bear everything, okay?" Chen Yiyi felt very wronged in her heart No matter what suffering she has, she can only bear it in her heart alone. It's fine if he doesn't help her, and he always adds insult to injury, which makes her feel even more uncomfortable.

She admits that she still can't accept Lei Zijun. Although she has a little affection for him, it's only a little bit. Now that she is being forced to get a certificate from him, she hasn't thought about this issue yet, and she really doesn't know how to deal with it.

"Don't get excited, I'll give you time to think about it, and tell me what you think when you get home. We will have to face this matter sooner or later. You must have a good attitude and a correct attitude." Lei Zijun didn't want to force her either. The reason why they talked about getting the certificate today was completely inevitable. She is pregnant now, and she must arrange a good schedule for her marriage.

Even if he took a step back and didn't mention this matter, Chen Yiyi's parents would definitely ask about it. He thought it was necessary for Chen Yiyi to make preparations in advance.

Chen Yiyi didn't speak anymore. She was in a mess now, and she couldn't calm down at all, let alone think about their future. She felt that the future was an unknown, and no one could predict what would happen.

Soon the two arrived at home, Chen Yiyi went to bed after washing, she didn't discuss this matter with Lei Zijun, anyway, she didn't have a clue, so she didn't bother thinking too much.

the next day.

After Lei Zijun prepared breakfast, Chen Yiyi also got up, and the two of them ate breakfast together, without mentioning what happened last night.

Lei Zijun put the gift he had prepared into the car, and the two of them got into the car together to go to Chen Yiyi's house to visit her parents.

"Actually, you don't need to prepare so many gifts." Chen Yiyi still felt weird, they were not too familiar yet.

"I need to be more prepared when I go to see my father-in-law and mother-in-law. I don't think so." Lei Zijun didn't take it seriously, and drove the car intently. He has already been there once, and this time he is familiar with the road.

"Are you trying to bribe my parents?"

"What do you think?" Lei Zijun asked back.

"Let's discuss it, shall we talk about our marriage later?" Chen Yiyi discussed with him in a good-tempered manner.

"If you can convince your parents to agree, I can respect your decision and give you some more time." Lei Zijun said with a smile.

He knew in his heart that Chen Yiyi's ideas would not work at all, and her parents would never agree with her absurd ideas.

Chen Yiyi sighed, cooperating with her to say it was tantamount to saying nothing, Lei Zijun was really cunning, this was enough for her, and she had nothing to refute.

"Can't you help me?" Chen Yiyi looked at Lei Zijun with pleading eyes.

"If I said it, it would make your parents worry more about our relationship."

(End of this chapter)

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