Sweet marriage

Chapter 554 Their relationship is not simple

Chapter 554 Their relationship is not simple (8)

"At first glance, Mr. Qin is a straightforward person. Since this is the case, I won't beat around the bush. I'm looking for you because of Shen Yanran." Liu Wei took a sip of tea and continued, "She and I are high school classmates. We haven't seen each other for many years. Maybe it's fate, we met again some time ago..."

"Stop! I don't know what you mean by telling me these things. I'm not interested in your relationship with her." Qin Ming interrupted him, because he didn't want to hear their stories.

"I just want to talk about our relationship. Since Mr. Qin doesn't want to hear it, I'll focus on it. Through contact with Shen Yanran, I found that she is a bit extreme. She loves Lei Zijun to an unimaginable degree. Anyone Her persuasion didn't work, maybe her previous experience made her love Mr. Lei so deeply that she wouldn't give up no matter what Mr. Lei did to her..."

"Are you telling me these things because you want me to persuade Zijun to reconcile with Shen Yanran? You are here to be a lobbyist for her." Qin Ming spoke a little coldly, so he would not do things to be sorry to his friends, let alone Persuade Lei Zijun to accept Shen Yanran.

"No, you misunderstood me. I recently discovered that her spirit is a little bit wrong. Maybe she has some psychological problems. I'm afraid that if her heart knot can't be solved, she will do some crazy things in the future. Her friend, I don't want her to get deeper and deeper." Liu Wei thought about it for a long time, and told Qin Ming about this, hoping that he could pass on Lei Zijun to help Shen Yanran, so that she would not let her continue to deteriorate, and prevent her from getting worse. more serious consequences in the future.

Qin Ming took a sip of tea, but still didn't understand what Liu Wei told him, "If she has any mental problems, she should go see a psychiatrist. I don't understand what you mean by telling me this."

"If the problem was so easy to solve, I wouldn't come here to talk to you about it. To untie the bell, you need someone to tie it. Only Mr. Lei can help her cure her illness, so I hope you can help me convey it." Liu Will spoke his mind.

Qin Ming suddenly slapped his hand, his eyes were full of sarcasm, "This is your real purpose, right? What kind of benefits did Shen Yanran give you? You actually made up such a thing to help her achieve the goal of getting close to Zijun?" An absurd reason, do you think others are fools, so easy to be deceived?" Qin Ming was a little angry and spoke a little aggressively, he felt in his heart that Liu Wei and Shen Yanran were the same kind.

"Mr. Qin, you misunderstood me. She didn't do me any favors. I just wanted to help her. I didn't want her to get deeper and deeper. She would do more extreme things in the future, which would cause serious consequences. It's too late to regret it." Liu Wei was also a little anxious, being misunderstood by Qin Ming was a small thing, and delaying things was a big thing.

"I don't understand. What can Zijun help her? Do you want her to keep pestering Zijun? Do you know how much harm she did to Chen Yiyi? Still making up such an unreliable story here I believe you are the ones who lie to me." Qin Ming would not easily believe what he said, he thought it was probably a trap, and he would not be so stupid as to let Lei Zijun go into this muddy water.

"What I'm saying is true. Shen Yanran does have some psychological problems. Otherwise, she wouldn't be so extreme. Her parents and I have persuaded her to let her give up Lei Zijun, but she just doesn't want to. Listen to me, she even cheated her parents."

(End of this chapter)

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