Sweet marriage

Chapter 555 Their relationship is not simple

Chapter 555 Their relationship is not simple (9)

Liu Wei knew that Shen Yanran's popularity was too bad, and people suspected that what he said was reasonable, so he had to try his best to convince Qin Ming that what he said was true.

"Aren't you her friend? It is conceivable that your relationship must be unusual. Since you feel sorry for her, you can just help her. Why do you have to drag Zijun into the water? I miss you for what she did. She also participated, she has messed up the lives of Zijun and Chen Yiyi, isn't it enough?" Qin Ming would never believe what he said easily, Shen Yanran is a master who doesn't blush when he lies, How could her friends be better than her.

"Mr. Qin, I know that Yanran did many things wrong, which were all caused by her extreme thoughts, so I said that her illness should be treated as soon as possible to avoid more serious consequences." Liu Wei knew his explanation Very powerless, whether she is sick or not is not up to him, only the doctor can draw a conclusion.

"Okay, don't tell me these things are useless, she looks normal, but her heart is too bad, so don't make excuses." Qin Ming said without mercy, he really has nothing to do with Shen Yanran good impression.

"This matter is indeed a little unreasonable, but what I said is indeed true. Maybe even Yanran herself will not think that she is sick. But some of her behaviors are indeed too extreme, and she even lost her mind. Believe it or not , please tell Mr. Lei, maybe he can figure it out after thinking about it carefully, you are not the person involved, there are many things you can't understand, please don't use your personal thoughts to deny other people's views." Liu Wei still Undeterred, he continued to lobby, and sincerely hoped that Qin Ming would listen.

"Your goal has been achieved. If there is nothing else, I will excuse you first." Qin Ming didn't have time to argue with him. He still had a lot of things to deal with. He knew that the two people's positions were different, and they naturally viewed things from different angles. , It doesn't make any sense for them to argue any longer.

After Qin Ming finished speaking, he turned and left without giving the other party a chance to speak.

Liu Wei was more sensible, he didn't pester Qin Ming anymore, the other party was determined not to help Lei Zijun, why should he join in the fun.

He will just miss it this time, he doesn't know if he will have the chance to meet Lei Zijun, but he just hopes that Qin Ming can mention this matter to him, maybe it will arouse his vigilance.

He sighed, got into his car, and drove away.

He knew very well in his heart that he wanted Lei Zijun to help Shen Yanran, and it seemed difficult to persuade her to see a psychiatrist.After all, there is Chen Yiyi between them, Lei Zijun has to take into account Chen Yiyi's feelings, he hopes that Shen Yanran's illness will not develop too fast, Lei Zijun can realize it sooner, and don't let her do more wrong things .

He knew that if he persuaded Shen Yanran to see a psychiatrist at this time, it would definitely be inappropriate, and it would only make their relationship completely deadlocked.

After Qin Ming and Liu Wei left, Shen Yanran sat on the chair without moving for a long time. Lei Zijun knew that Xiaolong had just finished the operation, and he went back to his hometown with Chen Yiyi. She worked so hard, why didn't she let him go? Their relationship turned bad, but became better instead. She couldn't figure out what was so good about Chen Yiyi that it was worth Lei Zijun's sacrifice for her.

Their relationship for many years was not worth the relationship with Chen Yiyi for several months. She felt a little sad, and Lei Zijun didn't care about the good memories for her.

(End of this chapter)

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