Sweet marriage

Chapter 557 Conspiracy

Chapter 557 Conspiracy (1)

Lei Zijun knew in his heart that the reason why Chen Yiyi was so stubborn was because she had been hurt too deeply by him before, and she had been silently resisting in her heart.

He pulled Chen Yiyi to speed up his pace and began to walk home, seeing that it would rain soon after the weather changed.

Chen Yiyi didn't say much, and let him drag her home, she didn't want to be drenched in water.

When he was about to get home, heavy raindrops fell, Lei Zijun took off his coat without hesitation, and asked Chen Yiyi to hold her hands above her head to keep out the rain.

Chen Yiyi looked at him and took his coat, and the two of them quickened their pace together. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and Chen Yiyi felt warm in his heart.

When the two of them ran home, Lei Zijun was completely drenched, with water dripping from his hair. Although Chen Yiyi also got wet, she was much better than Lei Zijun.

"Yiyi, take a hot bath first, change your wet clothes, and don't catch a cold." Lei Zijun looked at Chen Yiyi with concern.

"I think I'm fine, but you're completely drenched, you should go wash first." Chen Yiyi didn't want him to get gonorrhea because of herself.

"You don't want to refuse. The most important thing is that you are pregnant with a child. You must not catch a cold. If you refuse again, it's better for the two of us to be together." Lei Zijun is still in the mood to finish laughing with Chen Yiyi.

Chen Yiyi immediately blushed, seeing Lei Zijun smiling at her, she glared at him and went to take a bath with dry clothes.

Mother Chen saw that both of them were drenched in the rain, so she boiled ginger syrup for them, and each of them had a bowl to prevent colds.

After dinner, the two of them sat and chatted together, Lei Zijun felt his nose hurt and sneezed several times.

Chen Yiyi found a Chinese patent medicine for colds at home and handed them to Lei Zijun. He was more serious than himself in the rain, so he should prevent colds in advance.

"Remember to take the medicine." Chen Yiyi said to Lei Zijun.

"I'm not that squeamish. I can prevent it by drinking ginger syrup." Lei Zijun didn't take it seriously, he knew his body, and there would be nothing wrong with such a little rain.

"You'd better drink the medicine, otherwise I won't take care of you if you really catch a cold." Chen Yiyi looked away when she was talking, she was a little guilty, no matter how he gave her the coat to get wet, She speaks with her heart.

"I really want to catch a cold when you say that. I want to see if you are really hard-hearted and don't take care of me." Lei Zijun didn't believe that Chen Yiyi would be so cruel.

"If you say that, I can give you an affirmative answer. I will definitely not take care of you. Who told you to curse yourself for nothing." Chen Yiyi said angrily, she didn't want to hear him say such words.

"I knew you couldn't be without me in your heart. Did you see that you care about me?" Lei Zijun was very happy and smiled at her.

"Don't get me wrong, I will care about him even if he is an ordinary friend." Chen Yiyi hastily explained, although it was far-fetched, it revealed her thoughts.She already has feelings for Lei Zijun.

"I can be sure that you are definitely more than just a simple friend to me." Lei Zijun is very confident, Chen Yiyi is a completely duplicity woman, hiding everything in her heart, acting normal, as if the two people are really related .

"You are less self-righteous there, you are not me, why draw conclusions for me, I can tell you that we are just a little bit better than ordinary friends."

(End of this chapter)

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