Sweet marriage

Chapter 558 Conspiracy

Chapter 558 Conspiracy (2)

Chen Yiyi has a guilty conscience of being seen through.As for her feelings for Lei Zijun, she was a little unclear, and the more she thought about it, the more confused she became.

"What should I do if I am self-righteous? I just think you have me in your heart, but you don't want to admit it." Lei Zijun expressed Chen Yiyi's thoughts.

"Let's not talk about it anymore, you should go and drink the medicine first." Chen Yiyi went back to that question, not wanting to argue with Lei Zijun about whether she cared about him, she was afraid that after a long time she would Let go of what's on your mind.

"Okay, since this is your kindness, I naturally can't refuse." Lei Zijun shook the medicine in his hand and decided to drink it.

Mother Chen came out of the room and saw the two of them, she felt a little puzzled, this time her daughter came back and Lei Zijun seemed to feel stranger than before, she always felt that something was wrong, maybe this was her illusion.

"Yiyi, do you have time? Mom has something to ask you." Mother Chen decided to ask clearly.

Chen Yiyi smiled and nodded, followed her mother into the room.

The two of them sat down, but Mother Chen didn't speak, she just kept staring at Chen Yiyi.

"Mom, what's wrong with you, why are you looking at me like that?" Chen Yiyi's heart beat a little when her mother saw her, and she didn't know what her mother wanted to say to her.

"Yiyi, tell the truth, is your relationship with Zijun not as good as it used to be?" Chen Yiyi asked her own question.

"Mom, why are you asking me that? We're fine!" Chen Yiyi was very surprised. She was already careful enough, but she still let her mother see the clues. It seems that she is really not suitable to be an actress, her acting skills are too good It was almost seen through.

Mother Chen took her daughter's hand and held it in her hand, feeling that her palm seemed a little sweaty.

"Yiyi, don't lie to me, you are clearly lying." Although Chen Yiyi was blaming her daughter, she actually felt sorry for her daughter.

"Mom, we're really good. Otherwise, I'll call Zijun over and ask him face to face. If you doubt me, then you should be able to believe Zijun's words." Chen Yiyi reluctantly lifted Lei Zijun , She didn't know where her mother saw that she was not telling the truth, and she began to feel a little nervous.

"Yiyi, mom knows you very well. You can see that your palms are sweaty, which shows that you are guilty. If you have anything to do, tell mom and don't hide it from me anymore." Mother Chen stopped beating around the bush and didn't point it out to Chen Yiyi I'm afraid I won't admit it easily.

Chen Yiyi understood what was going on, she slowly regained her composure, pulled back her hand and said, "Mom, I'm sweating because I drank the ginger syrup you boiled for me. If I sweat, I will conclude that I am not telling the truth, and am I being unfair to me." Chen Yiyi tried her best to dispel her mother's suspicion of her.

"Mom knows that you have difficulties in your heart. I observed the two of you recently, and I feel that you are not as close as before. You always seem to keep a distance from Zijun deliberately. It was not like this when you were on good terms last time when you came back." Mother Chen still I have doubts.

"So that's what happened. Mom, why do you think so? I think Zijun and I are on good terms. He came back with me this time because he wanted to tell you and Dad that he wanted to get the certificate with me first." , Our wedding date is coming soon, this is also necessary." In order to dispel her mother's worries, Chen Yiyi said what she didn't want to say.

(End of this chapter)

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