Sweet marriage

Chapter 559 Conspiracy

Chapter 559 Conspiracy (3)

Chen Yiyi didn't know why her mother asked herself these things, she would never admit it no matter what.

Let mom and dad worry about herself, she can't do it.She thought in her heart that for the sake of the child in her belly, she would marry Lei Zijun sooner or later, so she simply kept it a secret from her parents.

"Since you have nothing to do, why do you always deliberately avoid Lei Zijun?" Mother Chen still felt that something was wrong, so she asked her daughter to make it clear.

"Mom, I didn't hide from Zijun. It's probably your illusion. You were thinking wildly because you were worried about me." Chen Yiyi yawned to hide her guilt.

"I hope I'm overthinking. It's good that you are fine. You look sleepy. Go back to sleep." Mother Chen temporarily dispelled her doubts. She might be too worried about her daughter, and what happened when they were engaged Can she be at ease as a mother about that matter?
"Well, then I'll go to bed first, and you should go to bed earlier, don't think about it, we're really fine." Chen Yiyi smiled, and reiterated that there was nothing wrong with her relationship with Lei Zijun .

Mother Chen waved her daughter to leave, a little regretful that she shouldn't have asked her these things, her current behavior is too distrustful of her daughter.

Chen Yiyi went out of her mother's room, closed the door for her mother, and caressed the position of her heart outside the door. She felt that it was very dangerous. There will be some troubles, the most important thing is to worry the family, she can't do it.

At this time, Lei Zijun had finished drinking the medicine and was still sitting in the living room, as if he was deliberately waiting for Chen Yiyi.

Chen Yiyi walked up to him, took his hand and went to the room where he lived.

"Yiyi, you've figured it out, you're going to be with me tonight..." Lei Zijun joked, seeing her serious expression, he knew that something must be wrong with her.

Chen Yiyi pulled him into the room, closed the door, let go of his hand and said in a low voice, "You said that I was so kind to you, why did my mother still see that there was a problem between us, you said my acting skills Is it too bad?"

"That's because you really aren't good enough to me, at least not sincerely. Just this is enough to make my aunt suspicious." Lei Zijun seemed to have a feeling of gloating, and Chen Yiyi's lukewarm attitude towards him finally made me feel uncomfortable. Her mother found out the clue, let's see how this little girl can solve it.

"You're still laughing. Believe it or not, I'll turn against you." Chen Yiyi pouted and protested, knowing that he would read her joke, and would not have discussed it with him if he had known.

"I can't hold back now, tell me what you told your aunt." Lei Zijun returned to normal, and his heart was indeed very beautiful. His chance to stand up came.

"Of course I won't admit it. In order to stabilize my mother and make her believe that we are fine, I said we are going to get the certificate. What do you think I should do?" Chen Yiyi shook Lei Zijun's arm, thinking Ask him to give her an idea.

"It's actually very simple. Just do as you said. We got the certificate. By the way, if you treat me better, it will be resolved." Lei Zijun said it very lightly, anyway, the matter is absolutely beneficial to him.

Chen Yiyi let go of his arm, a little frustrated, "I knew you would say that, so there is no other way? You still say that, knowing that I haven't figured it out, are you trying to punish me on purpose? "Chen Yiyi said angry words, she knew very well that she was on his boat and couldn't get off.

(End of this chapter)

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