Sweet marriage

Chapter 563 Conspiracy

Chapter 563 Conspiracy (7)

Lei Zijun has made a decision and is going to take Chen Yiyi away tomorrow and leave her alone in his hometown. He is not at ease, their relationship has yet to be restored, and their relationship will only become weaker if they are separated for too long.

He dialed Chen Yiyi's cell phone, intending to talk to her, but after calling many times, Chen Yiyi always refused to answer his calls, which made him a little upset.

He had no choice but to send Chen Yiyi a text message. After 3 minutes, he went to find her and told her to open the door, otherwise her parents would be at their own risk.

When Chen Yiyi saw his threatening text message, she almost threw away her phone in a fit of anger, but she, who was used to frugality, finally endured it. She wanted to see what urgent matter Lei Zijun was looking for her, so she insisted on staying late at night. talk to her.

Thinking of what happened to them before, Chen Yiyi felt a little nervous. She was a little afraid that Lei Zijun would do something wrong to her again. If something like this happened, she really didn't know how to deal with it. According to her stubborn temper, she It is possible to do things recklessly.

When she was thinking wildly, Lei Zijun knocked on her door, although she was very reluctant, finally opened the door obediently for him.

Lei Zijun entered the room and closed the door behind him.

"It's so late, what can you do with me?" Chen Yiyi said in a low voice with a cold face.

"I'm looking for you for something very important. Don't be so impatient, okay?" Lei Zijun is used to her attitude. He knows that Chen Yiyi is a person with a cold face and a warm heart. Her attitude is actually unnecessary. Too concerned.

"Can't we talk about something important tomorrow?" Chen Yiyi was still angry, and her attitude was naturally not much better.

"There is something going on in the company, so we are going back to the city tomorrow, so you should be prepared." Lei Zijun said briefly.

"Your company has something to do with me. I haven't lived enough at home? Go back by yourself. I want to spend more time with my parents at home." Chen Yiyi thought it would be better for him to leave, and she was happy to be free Faced with him every day, I feel so relieved.

"If you don't want your parents to be suspicious, you'd better go back to the city with me obediently. This time, bring the required documents, and we will get them after we return to the city." Lei Zijun said in an orderly tone, completely intolerable. she retorted.

"Is it necessary to be in such a hurry? You are forcing me." Chen Yiyi's stubborn temper also came up, and she didn't like the feeling of being pinched in the palm of her hand.

"Whatever you think, you'd better cooperate with me, and I don't want things to get worse." Lei Zijun was completely convinced of Chen Yiyi, knowing that she would also consider his proposal in order to take care of her parents.

"You...don't keep your promise at all." Chen Yiyi protested in a low voice, she knew how weak her own power was, and it was impossible to compete with Lei Zijun.

She could see through it, no matter what she couldn't escape from Lei Zijun's palm, she had already become his possession, and she was only at his disposal. He didn't mean any harm, he just wanted to keep her by his side.

"Don't worry, you must listen to me except for this matter, and I will follow you in other matters." Lei Zijun's expression was serious. He wanted to pamper her and love her, but the premise was that she must be by his side. I believe that one day she will fall in love with him, and he will completely conquer Chen Yiyi with his true feelings.

(End of this chapter)

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