Sweet marriage

Chapter 564 Conspiracy

Chapter 564 Conspiracy (8)

Chen Yiyi had no choice but to say, "Okay! You make up your mind. If you have nothing to do, you can go. I'm going to rest."

"Then you have a good rest." After Lei Zijun finished speaking, he turned and left.

Chen Yiyi waited for him to leave, and then re-inserted the door. Now that he was making her feel even more confused, it seemed that she was going to suffer from insomnia tonight.

Back on the bed, she looked at the ceiling and counted sheep, not wanting to let herself think wildly, but she couldn't calm down no matter what.

She sat up irritably, took out her mobile phone and sent Lei Zijun a WeChat message, "You are a big villain, causing me insomnia."

If she can't sleep well, he can't even think about being safe.

"I'm sorry, but if I go to accompany you, maybe you will fall asleep soon with my company." Lei Zijun quickly replied her a message.

He also has things to worry about. Although he is a man, men can also get hurt. He doesn't want to force Chen Yiyi in his heart, but he is more afraid of losing. Between the two, he chooses to confine her by his side. In the future, he will take care of her make it up to her.

"Whoever wants you to accompany me, you should be less complacent and offend me, and your life will be chaotic and restless in the future." Chen Yiyi can write whatever she wants to relieve her anger now, since he is not around anyway, she can do whatever she wants What, it's best to make him so angry that he can't sleep.

"That kind of life might be very interesting. I'm looking forward to it. The old days were too boring. It's time for a new life. My little wild cat, conquering you is my pleasure." Lei Zijun tweeted Several smiling faces, just as he seems to be in a better mood now.I don't know what Chen Yiyi's expression was when she read her reply letter, but it's interesting to think about it.

"Who is your little wild cat! I think you are a black-bellied big bad wolf. Whoever sticks to you will be unlucky. Don't mess with me, and be careful to show you." Chen Yiyi compared Lei Zi to a big bad wolf, feeling in his heart Hurry up, with a smug smile on her face, dare to say that she is a little wild cat, she will definitely make him look good.

"Is the little wild cat going to show off? I'm really looking forward to your good looks. I've been stuck with you for the rest of my life. Let's see what you can do." Lei Zijun replied quickly, and now he is refreshed and doesn't feel sleepy at all. , It was the first time to talk about such an interesting topic with Chen Yiyi, it was really interesting.

"You big bad wolf, don't call me a little wild cat, and then tell me to turn against you." Chen Yiyi is in a good mood, she thinks this name is okay, not very annoying, I don't know how Lei Zijun's reaction is , if she could see him mad with anger, how relieved she would be!

"Hahaha... each other, the big bad wolf is going to eat the little wild cat, what do you think?" Lei Zijun joked with her, she didn't let him call him the little wild cat, but he insisted on calling it that way, and asked her how much He can't help it either.

"Then the little wild cat is ready to fight, don't think that the kitten is easy to bully, one day I will let you know that the kitten is not easy to mess with." Chen Yiyi replied quickly, anyway, she is not sleepy at all, chatting and bickering with him , I feel that the mood is not so depressed, and if there is something unhappy, just ignore it first, just smile more when there is nothing to do, and when you smile, you will temporarily forget a lot of troubles, maybe for a short time, but it does not affect the effect.

"It makes sense, the little wild cat is so cute, even the big bad wolf is reluctant to hurt it, don't you think? Maybe the big bad wolf was really subdued by the little wild cat, because the big bad wolf fell in love with the little wild cat .”

(End of this chapter)

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