Sweet marriage

Chapter 583 Obtaining a Certificate

Chapter 583 Obtaining a Certificate (7)

Xiaolong thought about it, and felt that what he said made sense. The past few days had really exhausted his mother, especially in the first few days, when her mother hardly slept well.

"Okay, I will listen to my father and let my mother rest for a few days." Xiaolong replied obediently.

Sitting on the side, Shen Yanran's face changed again and again, Lei Zijun didn't even discuss with her, but just said that he wanted to take Xiaolong to his house, what did he think of himself.Although he paid for Xiaolong's surgery this time, it doesn't mean that he can make decisions for Xiaolong.

Although Shen Yanran felt a little unhappy, she didn't dare to say anything. If it wasn't for Lei Zijun and Xiaolong's operation, I don't know when it would be possible. He is kind to the child.

Taking everything into consideration, she felt that it would be better to forbear, and absolutely not to freeze the relationship with Lei Zijun, as that would be of no benefit to anyone.It doesn't matter if Xiaolong goes to his house for a few days, as long as he returns the child to her in the future.

Shen Yanran sat on the side and watched them chat quietly, she didn't interrupt them, feeling in her heart, if there was no such woman as Chen Yiyi, perhaps she and Lei Zijun would have become a family long ago.

Lei Zijun chatted with Xiaolong for a while, and saw that it was getting late, he had to go home early to accompany Chen Yiyi, he asked Xiaolong to watch cartoons on the bed by himself, and called Shen Yanran aside, he had something to say tell her.

Shen Yanran followed Lei Zijun out of the ward obediently without asking any further questions.

Lei Zijun glanced at Shen Yanran, she looked haggard, it seemed that she was really tired after taking care of Xiaolong these days.

"Yan Ran, you have worked hard these few days." Lei Zijun said lightly.

"As long as Xiaolong is healthy and healthy, it doesn't matter how hard it is." Shen Yanran looked at Lei Zijun, her eyes were full of expectation.Seeing that Lei Zijun looked away when he was talking to her, she felt a little disappointed.

"Yanran, when Xiaolong is discharged from the hospital, I want to take Xiaolong home to stay for a few days. My parents want to see him. Seeing how tired you are these days, you just have to rest at home for a few days." Lei Zijun told her This matter, what his father ordered, he must do well no matter what, otherwise his mother is really anxious, and I don't know what will happen again.

"Xiaolong will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. Can I take him home for a few days? My parents miss him too." Although Shen Yanran was unhappy in her heart, she appeared calm on the surface and gave off a feeling of Fairly understanding.

"Then I'll send someone to pick up Xiaolong in a few days." Lei Zijun didn't force it, as long as she agreed.

"Do you have time tomorrow? Xiaolong is discharged from the hospital, can you come pick him up?" Shen Yanran looked at Lei Zijun and asked, her eyes full of expectation, hoping that he would agree.

Thinking of getting the certificate from Chen Yiyi tomorrow, Lei Zijun was a little embarrassed, "I have something to do tomorrow, I'm afraid I won't be able to come here, I will ask my assistant to discharge Xiaolong from the hospital and send you back." Lei Zijun thought that if he Sending them back, seeing her parents would cause misunderstanding again, and he didn't want to add trouble to himself.

"You are Xiaolong's father, what he needs is your concern, don't you want to give him just a little time?" Shen Yanran seemed very sad, her voice trembled a little.The most important thing is Lei Zijun's estrangement from her, she really feels very sad.

"Yanran, haven't you figured it out yet? It's impossible for us, don't torture everyone anymore, Xiaolong is still young, what he needs is love, don't take advantage of his love for you anymore." Lei Zijun's expression changed gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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