Sweet marriage

Chapter 584 Obtaining a Certificate

Chapter 584 Obtaining a Certificate (8)

She thought that after so many things, she should be able to see the essence of the matter and accept the facts, but she still had illusions and continued to hurt the people around her.

"Zijun, I don't understand what you mean. I just hope you can give Xiaolong more care. He needs a father's love. I don't dare to expect anything else. I know you love Chen Yiyi. I wish you happiness." Shen Yanran forbears With the pain in my heart, I said insincere words.

"It would be best if you really think so. I have something to do and I'll leave first. You take good care of Xiaolong." Lei Zijun left without looking back. He didn't want to discuss those with Shen Yanran anymore, lest affect your mood.

"Zijun..." Shen Yanran ran after Lei Zijun and grabbed his arm.

Lei Zijun shook off her hand, sighed heavily, his voice was cold and helpless, "Is there anything else?"

"I..." Shen Yanran didn't know how to speak, she hesitated, she didn't say the phrase "I miss you", she was afraid that Lei Zijun would be more disgusted with her.

"I've already contacted a psychiatrist for you, and I'll take Xiaolong to my house in two days, and I'll arrange for you to see a doctor." Lei Zijun has already realized that Shen Yanran has a psychological problem and really needs to be counseled.Perhaps her psychological problems are inextricably linked to her experiences in those years.

"I don't need a psychiatrist, what I need is you." Shen Yanran was a little excited, and couldn't hold it back any longer, she casually said what she wanted to say.

"Go back and take care of Xiaolong, I have to leave first." Lei Zijun didn't want to say anything more.

Shen Yanran watched his leaving back, tears streaming down her face, Lei Zijun was still so indifferent to her, what should she do to win back his heart.

Seeing Lei Zijun's back disappearing from her sight, she leaned her back against the wall in the hospital corridor, clenched her fists, cried to the point of grief, pounding her fists on the wall, the pain from her hands couldn't overcome the pain in her heart. pain.

Shen Yanran shed tears silently, thinking of Lei Zijun's unfeeling towards her, she hated that Chen Yiyi who appeared suddenly, she told so many lies and did so many bad things, why couldn't she drive away a Chen Yiyi? Yiyi.

After a long time, Shen Yanran wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, tidied up a bit and returned to the ward.She must not just admit defeat like this, she thinks that as long as Xiaolong is around, she will have a chance.


After Lei Zijun left the hospital, he drove back home directly. On the way back, he bought a lot of ingredients in the supermarket. He was going to cook a big dinner for Chen Yiyi.

Thinking of what happened at noon, he was still a little angry. He had already made up his mind that he wanted to punish Chen Yiyi a little, so that she would have a good memory, and he would never do this again in the future.

He has been so nice to Chen Yiyi recently that he almost spoiled her, and even got together with her good friend to punish him.

When we got home, it was still daylight, and Chen Yiyi didn't expect him to come back so early.

"Zijun, why did you come back so early?" Chen Yiyi spoke very gently, taking the coat he took off thoughtfully, and put it on the hanger.

Lei Zijun felt that something was wrong, and realized in a moment that Chen Yiyi had changed his temper. Why did he treat him so well today? He squinted his eyes and stared at Chen Yiyi carefully.

Feeling his gaze, Chen Yiyi smiled, "Zijun, why are you looking at me like that?" Her voice was so soft that one couldn't bear to lose her temper with her.

(End of this chapter)

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