Sweet marriage

Chapter 610 tit for tat

Chapter 610 tit for tat (4)

"Lei Zijun, if I treat you better, you will be lawless. Don't forget that you are still in my investigation stage, be careful that you can't pass my test." Chen Yiyi gave up struggling, with a cold face Said.

"My wife, please don't scare me all the time, okay, I'm so scared, why don't you give me a kiss, and I'll let you go. You definitely took advantage of this deal." Lei Zijun was seduced by her again. Playful.

Seeing that Chen Yiyi's face was as red as an apple, he really wanted to take a bite, but he didn't know if it was sweet or not.

"Let go of me, I don't want to take advantage of you." Chen Yiyi turned her face away from looking at him, thinking why Lei Zijun always likes to tease her, she was a little disgusted.

"Okay then! I don't like to owe others, especially my wife who doesn't owe me." Lei Zijun let go of Chen Yiyi, and at the same time, he bit Chen Yiyi's face lightly.

Chen Yiyi didn't expect him to do this, and jumped away reflexively, keeping a distance from him.

She covered the place where he had bitten her, and the place didn't hurt, but had a tingling feeling, which made Chen Yiyi a little embarrassed.

Seeing Chen Yiyi's appearance, Lei Zijun smiled and said, "It tastes good, sweet and delicious, I really want to take another bite."

Chen Yiyi took a few steps back, pointed at Lei Zijun and said, "You are a dog! How dare you bite people casually."

Lei Zijun smiled instead of anger, "My wife guessed right, I really belong to the dog."

"You..." Chen Yiyi pointed at him speechless.

"Okay, let me make a joke with you to adjust the atmosphere, but to be honest, you are really sweet, I really want to have another sip." Lei Zijun slowly approached Chen Yiyi as he spoke.

Chen Yiyi seemed a little panicked, she retreated to the wall, and there was no way out.

Her nervous heart gradually calmed down, she stood up straight, raised her head and chest, and boldly met Lei Zijun's gaze.

Looking at each other, Chen Yiyi was instantly attracted by Lei Zijun's gentle gaze, the two only had each other in their eyes.

There was a knock on the door.

Lei Zijun thought it was just the time.

He took Chen Yiyi's hand and said softly, "Close your eyes, and open them when I tell you to open them."

Chen Yiyi seemed to be bewildered by Lei Zijun's magnetic and pleasant voice, she slowly closed her eyes, her heart was beating so fast that she could hear it clearly.

Lei Zijun pulled her to the sofa and told her to sit down, and whispered in her ear, "Don't open your eyes without my order, wait for me for a while."

The knocking on the door continued.

Lei Zijun went to the door and opened it, and the roses he had ordered arrived.

He walked up to Chen Yiyi with flowers, "My dear wife, please open your eyes."

Chen Yiyi slowly opened her eyes, she didn't know what was wrong with her, but she obeyed Lei Zijun's command obediently.

Opening his hazy eyes, there was a bouquet of delicate red roses in front of him.

"My wife, I gave it to you, do you like it?"

Chen Yiyi appeared calm on the surface, but she was actually a little moved in her heart.

Although she really didn't approve of this superficial form, Lei Zijun's intention moved her a little bit.

Seeing that Chen Yiyi didn't move, Lei Zijun stared at the bunch of flowers in a daze, "Why, don't you like it?"

Chen Yiyi regained consciousness, took the flower from Lei Zijun's hand, and said with a smile, "I like it, thank you!"

Lei Zijun raised a smile on his face, "As long as my wife likes it, let's have dinner together. I'll tell you some good news. There will be a surprise after dinner." Lei Zijun acted mysteriously.

(End of this chapter)

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