Sweet marriage

Chapter 611 tit for tat

Chapter 611 tit for tat (5)

Chen Yiyi smiled, not knowing what his surprise was, but he managed to whet her appetite.

She found a vase and put the roses in the vase.

"Zijun, I'm really curious if you can reveal it."

Lei Zijun shook his head and smiled happily, "Don't worry, you will know when the time comes."

"Cut! Don't talk about pulling down, I don't care about it." Chen Yiyi said casually. In fact, she was very curious. She had no choice but to wait.

Chen Yiyi sat down and began to eat.

Lei Zijun took a bite of food for Chen Yiyi and handed it to her mouth.

"Open your mouth!"

Chen Yiyi kept her mouth shut but didn't open it, she sincerely confronted him.

"Does my wife think this is bad, do you want me to feed you with my mouth?" Lei Zijun smiled wickedly.

"How dare you? I'm not a child, so I don't need you to feed me."

Seeing Chen Yiyi's small mouth open, Lei Zijun delivered the food to her mouth in time.

Chen Yiyi stared at him helplessly, and slowly chewed the food in her mouth. She was a woman who said she didn't like it, but she didn't think so in her heart.

"Is this so cute? When our baby is born, he will be as cute and cute as his mother." Lei Zijun teased while eating.

"You have a big mouth, why can't you stop it even when you eat." Chen Yiyi joked.

"I have a good idea. You can definitely shut my mouth." Lei Zijun smiled badly, as if he had another bad idea.

Chen Yiyi looked at him suspiciously, the smile on his face was dazzling, Chen Yiyi seemed to feel the taste of teasing, she would not be fooled.

"I'm not interested!" Chen Yiyi answered very simply.

"You really don't want to know?" Lei Zijun started to seduce Chen Yiyi, and he didn't have any idle hands and took another bite of food for Chen Yiyi. This time, Chen Yiyi was very obedient and opened his mouth to eat the food he gave her.

"I really don't want to, are you disappointed?" Taking advantage of Lei Zijun's unpreparedness, Chen Yiyi took a bite of food and directly put it in his mouth.

"A quick learner, a child can be taught." Lei Zijun smiled brightly.

He felt that being with Chen Yiyi was really good, relaxed and stress-free, with a kind of family warmth.

"You can still chew on words, I really admire you!" Chen Yiyi gave a symbolic thumbs up.

"For the sake of your sincerity, I will take the initiative to tell you how you can block my mouth." Lei Zijun smiled evilly, "That is to use your mouth to block mine."

"Hehe..." Chen Yiyi laughed dryly, "boring..." and continued to bury her head in her meal.

She found that her appetite has improved a lot recently, and the bitter taste in her mouth has gradually disappeared. As long as she does not eat peanuts, the phenomenon of morning sickness rarely occurs again.

"I'm teaching you how to please me. I don't like your attitude."

"I said it's okay if you messed up, you are still in my probationary period, you should be the one who pleases me!" Chen Yiyi opened her mouth and said without thinking. Blooming blush.

"My wife, what you said is that I will try my best to please you and meet your satisfaction. What's wrong with your little face, it suddenly became so red." Lei Zijun started to make trouble, he found that Chen Yiyi was really interesting up.

Chen Yiyi coughed twice in embarrassment, "I don't need you to please."

"How can I do that? I'm still in the probationary period. Can I not behave well?"

(End of this chapter)

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