Sweet marriage

Chapter 614 tit for tat

Chapter 614 tit for tat (8)

Chen Yiyi foolishly took the glass of juice and took a sip.

She was drugged by Lei Zijun again, and she cooperated with him willingly.

Lei Zijun poured himself another glass of red wine, "Yiyi, I will definitely make you happy." After speaking, he drank it down again.

Chen Yiyi looked at him without speaking, thinking about his words in her heart, Chen Yiyi saw sincerity in his eyes, the more she looked at him, the more she felt unable to extricate herself, she found that she was attracted to him now, it was only her stubborn self-esteem I just don't want to admit it.

Lei Zijun poured another glass of red wine, shook it under the light, looked at Chen Yiyi intently, "Yiyi, I love you!" He drank it down in one gulp.

Lei Zijun smiled, looked at Chen Yiyi with blurred eyes, picked up the wine bottle and poured himself another glass of wine.

Lei Zijun's "I love you!" It took Chen Yiyi a long time to recover, and she was a little anxious when she saw that Lei Zijun was about to pour wine again.

Chen Yiyi walked up to Lei Zijun, grabbed the wine bottle in his hand, "Don't drink any more, you will get drunk if you drink too much." Chen Yiyi came to care about Lei Zijun, and secondly, she didn't deal with a drunk Based on Han's experience, if Lei Zijun used alcohol to get drunk, she probably wouldn't be able to bear it.

"Yiyi, don't worry I won't get drunk, let me have a few more drinks today if you're happy?" Lei Zijun said with a smile.

"No, what if you're drunk?" Although Chen Yiyi felt a little soft when she saw his eyes, she still rejected his request rationally.

"Today is a good day for us, just let me indulge for a while." Lei Zijun said as he wanted to take back the wine bottle in Chen Yiyi's hand.

"If you are disobedient, I will get angry." Chen Yiyi was determined not to let him drink again.

She got up and took the bottle to the kitchen and put it in the cabinet.

When she turned around and came back, Lei Zijun was standing at the kitchen door. The white shirt he was wearing had been unbuttoned several times by him, exposing his firm skin.

Chen Yiyi saw him blocking the door, and when her eyes touched his exposed skin, she hurriedly turned her eyes away.She thought to herself that she had only drank three glasses of red wine and she had become so dissolute. If she drank any more, it would cause serious trouble. Fortunately, she stopped him in time.

"Zijun, it's getting late, you should go to rest too." Chen Yiyi said lightly, she was a little nervous facing Lei Zijun like this.

Chen Yiyi was blocked by him at the kitchen door, and he had to get out of the way if he wanted to go out.

Taking advantage of Chen Yiyi's unpreparedness, Lei Zijun suddenly hugged her horizontally.

Chen Yiyi was taken aback and forgot to react for a moment.

Lei Zijun carried her directly into her room, put her on the bed, and then he pressed Chen Yiyi under him.

Chen Yiyi was a little panicked because she was afraid, she had never experienced such a scene, and she didn't know how to face it.

"Zi...Jun...you drank too much." Chen Yiyi's speech was a little awkward, and she felt her heart was about to jump out.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not drunk." Lei Zijun put one finger on Chen Yiyi's lips, the soft touch made his heart throb.

"Zijun, let me go first, okay? I'm going to clean up the dishes." Chen Yiyi found a random reason, and she felt that it was dangerous to be with him.

"That's not important." Lei Zijun directly rejected her idea.

"Don't do this, okay? I'm scared." Chen Yiyi's voice trembled a little, she was really afraid that Lei Zijun would do crazy things.

"Relax, I won't eat you again, don't be so nervous."

(End of this chapter)

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