Sweet marriage

Chapter 615 tit for tat

Chapter 615 tit for tat (10)

Chen Yiyi didn't dare to move, she broke the silence, trying to persuade Lei Zijun to leave.

She wondered why her resistance became so weak, she was easily bewitched by Lei Zijun, his handsome charm was really invincible.

"How can I get drunk so easily, don't worry I won't do anything to you." Lei Zijun has adjusted his mentality, and his burning desire is temporarily controlled by him. As long as Chen Yiyi doesn't take the initiative to provoke him, it should be fine. Keep an eye on it.

"Zijun, it's getting late, should you go back to your room?" Chen Yiyi reminded her that Lei Zijun's presence around her made her feel a little uneasy.

"Is that why you want to drive me away?" Lei Zijun's voice was still full of desire.

"I didn't mean that, I was afraid that you would feel uncomfortable." Chen Yiyi found a very lame reason, in fact, she was afraid that he would use alcohol to mistreat her.

Lei Zijun pulled Chen Yiyi to his side with his big hands, letting her head rest on his arm.

"Since you care about me so much, take some practical actions to comfort me." Lei Zijun said lightly.

"How do you want me to appease you?" Chen Yiyi was completely confused and a little angry.

"You can do whatever you want, as long as it makes me feel better." Lei Zijun said it lightly, just wanting to see what Chen Yiyi would do.

Chen Yiyi sat up suddenly, and said to Lei Zijun, "I won't!"

Lei Zijun pulled her back again with his big hand, this time Chen Yiyi was a little restless and refused to return to his arms.

"I can't learn it, but I can teach you. According to your intelligence, you should learn it quickly." Lei Zijun hugged her tightly, resting her head on his chest.

"Don't waste your energy, I won't learn it." Chen Yiyi now felt that Lei Zijun was too rascal, and teased himself by drinking some wine, and his originally nervous heart gradually calmed down.

"Can't you be gentle with me? At least let me know that my efforts are not in vain and my sincerity has not been trampled on." Lei Zijun frowned, as if suppressing the pain.

Maybe it was because of the alcohol, he expressed the distress in his heart, he also had pain, but he would not show it easily, he should be strong as a man.

Chen Yiyi froze slightly, seeing the sadness on his face, she felt a little distressed, "Zijun, I'm sorry I didn't understand your difficulties, don't be sad." The wall that was erected in Chen Yiyi's heart collapsed instantly.

"I just want to be with you, don't drive me away tonight, okay?"

Chen Yiyi was speechless, didn't know how to answer, and felt a little conflicted.

She gave up struggling and rested her head on his arm softly.

"Zijun, do you hate me when I treat you so well?" Chen Yiyi said lightly.

"How could I hate you? It's too late to love you. Now that you are pregnant with my baby, I will regard you as my baby even more."

"You said that just now, I felt a little guilty, and felt that what I did was a little too much before, and I shouldn't have treated you that way." Chen Yiyi expressed her feelings at this moment.

"Did I scare you just now?" Lei Zijun began to become gentle, without the decadence before.

"A little bit." Chen Yiyi said honestly.

"Can't you say something nice to comfort me? You haven't changed at all, we're all a family, and you're still so shy." Lei Zijun teased.

"You also know that I can't comfort people." Chen Yiyi was a little annoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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