Sweet marriage

Chapter 616 War of Two Women

Chapter 616 The War of Two Women (1)

"Although you can't comfort others, I know that you care about me in your heart, and that's enough." Lei Zijun said empathetically.

After calming down, Chen Yiyi felt that the hearts of the two were slowly approaching, and the bottom of her heart became soft, and he had already lived in her heart.

"Zijun, I know you treat me well, but if you want me to be with you...I really can't do it now." Chen Yiyi was a little embarrassed, she wanted to explain clearly to him that her refusal did not mean that she didn't have him in her heart .

Lei Zijun knew what Chen Yiyi was referring to, he understood, maybe Chen Yiyi still resisted him a little in his heart.

"Yiyi, you think too much. I still have the common sense that you can't have sex with a child when you are pregnant. I just want to accompany you and have no other meaning. Did I scare you?" Lei Zijun explained to Chen Yiyi It's clear, he doesn't want her to misunderstand any more.

He stroked Chen Yiyi's soft hair with a big hand, and occasionally could smell the fragrance left by the shampoo.

Lei Zijun's words gave Chen Yiyi a reassurance, she was completely wrong, and now she felt very embarrassed and wanted to find a place to hide.

"Why didn't you make it clear earlier, I think you are deliberately trying to punish me, you are so bad." Chen Yiyi coquettishly beat his chest lightly with one hand.I didn't find that Lei Zijun had such a bad side.

"Men are not bad and women don't love you, don't you think so?" Lei Zijun scratched Chen Yiyi's little nose with his hand, and licked Chen Yiyi's earlobe on purpose.

"You...good or bad..." Chen Yiyi protested loudly.

"Hahaha..." Her protest was ineffective but caused Lei Zijun to laugh out loud.

"If you still laugh at me, I'll make you go back to your room." Chen Yiyi pouted.

"I like to see you smile. Today is a good day for us to become a family. You should also smile more. I think our baby will be happy for us." Lei Zijun closed his eyes, enjoying this rare moment Warm.

Having been single for so many years, his relationship had been severely damaged. He thought he would be lonely for the rest of his life, and it was God who sent Chen Yiyi to him.He thought he had lost the ability to love, but it was Chen Yiyi's kindness and innocence that touched him, made him rekindle the flame of love, and gave him the desire to have a home.

Although the time they spent together was very short, and there were many conflicts during this period, none of these could affect his love for her, but made him love her deeper and unable to extricate himself.

Meeting her, let him know what is worrying and what is caring, and the hatred in his heart has gradually faded away. Now he only has Chen Yiyi in his heart, that shy little woman.

"Zijun, you said you were going to give me a surprise. I wonder what your surprise is?" Chen Yiyi didn't idle her hands. She used one finger to draw circles on Lei Zijun's chest, completely forgetting her shyness. Or perhaps it was Lei Zijun's explanation that made her feel relaxed, and she was no longer afraid of acting and became a little bold.

Lei Zijun held her wrist, "Yiyi, don't get angry, it's not easy to put out the fire." Lei Zijun knew that Chen Yiyi would definitely understand.

Chen Yiyi was startled and felt a little annoyed by the behavior just now, how could she do that, even do that kind of thing.

"Zijun, don't get me wrong, I did it unintentionally, I don't know why I did that." Chen Yiyi spoke in a low voice, a little guilty, as if the more she explained, the more confused she became, she knew very well in her heart that she was indeed unintentional, she How dare you challenge Lei Zijun's self-control.

(End of this chapter)

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