Sweet marriage

Chapter 646 Grand Wedding

Chapter 646 Grand Wedding (1)

At this critical moment, Shen Yanran made a decision, she said to Chen Yiyi, "I'll go out and hold him back later, you find a chance to escape, the police should arrive soon."

Shen Yanran thought a lot when she was calm. She was so reluctant to think of her parents and Xiaolong. She knew that she owed her parents too much, and now she realized the warmth of living with her parents. Although there were noises and misunderstandings , but the starting point of parents is good, all for her.

Although she was terrified in her heart, she knew that this incident was caused by her. She didn't want to be with that man and be his accomplice. If she didn't help Chen Yiyi get out of here, she would be convicted and she couldn't go to jail , she still has parents and children to take care of, and now she realizes how important that home is to her.

Before Chen Yiyi could speak, Shen Yanran took advantage of Xue Feng not paying attention to them, and suddenly rushed out from behind the low wall. She ran away without thinking much, Xue Feng naturally saw her and started to chase.

How could Shen Yanran outrun him, plus she was afraid, Xue Feng soon caught up with her.

"Say, where did Chen Yiyi go?" Xue Feng asked, grabbing her neck.

Can he not be angry when his big benefactor is let go?This woman cut off his money, and he will not let her go.

"She... ran away, and I... don't know where she... went." Shen Yanran felt extremely terrified, a woman's intuition, she knew that she was in danger now, this man was like a time bomb that was about to ignite, Crazy moves are possible at any time, and she has been with him for several years, and she already knows his temper very well.

"She ran away, why did you stay?" Xue Feng asked angrily.

"I'm afraid of the dark and dare not walk at night, so I... hid." Shen Yanran tried her best, she had no way out now, even being afraid was useless, she only hoped that the police would come soon.

"You stupid woman!" Xue Feng slapped Shen Yanran in the face.

Shen Yanran was stunned by the beating, she felt a salty taste in her mouth, touched the corner of her mouth with her hand, and blood flowed out.

"Xue Feng, you are a bastard. God will be unfair to people like you if you don't die sooner. Sooner or later, you will be sent to prison." Shen Yanran reacted, and the anger buried in her heart finally broke out. This man harmed her, even if she died, she wouldn't make him feel better.

Shen Yanran started to scratch Xue Feng's face with her long nails, the strength was beyond her imagination, Xue Feng was unprepared, five blood marks were drawn on his face by Shen Yanran.

Feeling the pain, Xue Feng let go of the hand that was holding Shen Yanran's neck, and covered his face with his hand.

He resentfully spit on the ground, wishing he could do it to Shen Yanran right now.

"Shen Yanran, you are crazy. Who gave you the courage to fight with me? Are you going to die?" Xue Feng pointed at Shen Yanran, feeling a little unbelievable. In the past, seeing him was like a mouse seeing a cat, but now he has changed. She looks like a little mouse with fried fur, but no matter how noisy she is, it's for nothing.

Shen Yanran picked up a brick from the ground, stepped back to get away from him, and roared frantically, "You're right, I'm crazy, since you won't give me a way out, we'll just go to hell together."

"Hahaha... Are you kidding me? I will die with you. Go ahead and live your dream." Xue Feng didn't take her seriously at all.

(End of this chapter)

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