Sweet marriage

Chapter 647 Grand Wedding

Chapter 647 Grand Wedding (2)

Xue Feng slowly approached Shen Yanran, he was a fugitive now, he was not afraid of anything at all, he simply smashed the jar, let out this bad breath first.

"Don't come here..." Shen Yanran yelled, his approach made her feel terrified, she threw the brick in her hand towards Xue Feng, and he easily dodged it.

Xue Feng stepped forward, and Shen Yanran waved his arms to fight him, but was quickly subdued by Xue Feng, who suddenly started to tear the clothes on Shen Yanran's body with a wicked smile.

Shen Yanran stared at him in horror, and instinctively began to resist.

"I haven't seen you in half a year. I still miss you. I don't know if it's as memorable as before..." Xue Feng said shameless words, but the movements of his hands didn't stop.

"Help..." Shen Yanran cried loudly, it was so sharp in this silent night.

Soon her blouse was ripped off, and Xue Feng's flashlight was thrown out while they were fighting. She couldn't see his evil face clearly. Now that she had no strength left, she closed her eyes in despair, tears slowly falling down .

"Plop!" Shen Yanran heard the sound of something heavy falling to the ground.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw Chen Yiyi standing in front of her holding a wooden stick. Although she couldn't see his face clearly, she was sure that the person was definitely Chen Yiyi.

Chen Yiyi threw away the wooden stick in his hand, picked up the small flashlight on the side, and said to Shen Yanran, "Why are you still standing there, let's run away quickly! If this bastard wakes up, we will be in danger."

She shone the flashlight on the man on the ground, and felt a little dizzy when she saw the blood flowing from his head, so she hurriedly shone the flashlight elsewhere.

"Why are you still standing there? Let's go!" Chen Yiyi took Shen Yanran's hand, and the two ran towards the gate of the factory together.

In fact, Chen Yiyi was also panicked. She was now trying to force herself because of her strong desire to survive.

They stumbled and ran to the gate, seeing the lights of cars not far away, they ran towards the place where there was light.

The light was getting closer and closer, when the police drove up to them, Chen Yiyi and Chen Yanran stopped.

Lei Zijun got out of the car, ran to Chen Yiyi, and hugged her.

Feeling the familiar warmth, Chen Yiyi slowly closed her eyes and passed out. Her energy was exhausted and she couldn't hold on any longer.

"Yiyi, wake up!" Lei Zijun called Chen Yiyi loudly, feeling very worried.

He picked up Chen Yiyi and got into the police car, and pressed her with his hands, but it didn't work at all, and Chen Yiyi didn't wake up.

He asked the police to take her to the hospital. Now that Chen Yiyi was pregnant with her child and suffered such a big stimulus, he was really afraid of any accidents.

It is important to save people, so the car turned around, and the driver drove them to a nearby hospital.

Seeing Liu Wei, Shen Yanran threw herself into his arms and wept bitterly. Liu Wei patted her back lightly to comfort her.

At this time, the police had already arrested Xue Feng who had been knocked out. He was already awake, and when he passed by Shen Yanran, he glared at her viciously, wishing to tear her into pieces. He never expected that He actually fell into the hands of this woman.

Xue Feng was quickly taken to another police car. He didn't expect that he would be arrested by the police before his dream of getting rich started, and he hated Shen Yanran even more in his heart.

"Don't cry, everything is over." Liu Wei felt Shen Yanran's body trembling, he took off his coat and put it on her body, and helped her into the police car.

(End of this chapter)

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