Madam is an internet addict girl

Chapter 15 System Targeting

Chapter 15 System Targeting
"For this wave, let's retreat strategically, mainly because we are afraid that our teammates will not be able to stand the stimulation, so let him develop well."

[She coaxed her cowardly! 】

[If you have the ability to stay in the bottom lane and eat waves, if I were this shooter, I would hang up on the spot! 】

[Xiao Qiao is a very powerful hero when he wakes up. A set of combos can directly kill Yu Ji and Huo Wu on the opposite side. 】

[The fire dance can also kill Xiao Qiao! 】

The barrage started a heated discussion about the direction of this round. Many people felt that she could not win, and they all voted the quiz coins to "lose".
"What's the matter with your quiz, why am I going to lose! Hurry up and guess I win, assassin Xiao Qiao, come out of the world again."

[I bet on a spicy stick, I can't win this one. 】

[I also bet that I can't win this game, I bet on a ham sausage! 】

The bullet screens all sang bad words, and suddenly an account named "Baby Chi Ruan" came, and they bet 3 quiz coins for winning.

[Is this a soft trumpet? 】

【Shock!A certain anchor controls the quiz!Report first hand. 】

[This name is a bit embarrassing. 】

[Reported, Ruan Ruan is obviously my baby! 】

Chi Ruan himself was also surprised when he saw the news. Few people who knew his real name knew that he was live broadcasting, and even fewer knew his live broadcast room.

A few roommates do know, could it be them?But apart from Li Xihan who would come to the live broadcast room to help silence the speech, the other two roommates basically didn't come.Who could this be?She herself was puzzled.

"It's not me, and I don't know who it is. I'm busy playing games, so I don't have time for quizzes, and I can't decide whether to win or lose." Once someone reported her live broadcast room, Chaoguan blocked the live broadcast room, how embarrassing it would be.

[You can carry the whole game, if you win, I will give you a rocket! 】

[666, capture a big boss alive. 】

[Ruan Ruan Duck! 】

No more chatting with the barrage, Chi Ruan only had games in his eyes.

Xiao Qiao, who was promoted to the fourth level, went directly to the bottom lane to support, and sent a signal to his teammates to "start an attack".

Speeding up to enter the arena, he hit Yu Ji directly. The second skill blows Yu Ji away, and he is going to give Yu Ji a fan to take her away, but Di Renjie accepts her head.

She had to sigh: "I'm really an old wage earner, it's so difficult to take my head."

Returning to the middle road from his own red zone, he was taken away by King Lanling who was squatting in the red zone. "!!! What the hell is this hurting! When did he come here!"

Chi Ruan, who didn't even use his skills, suddenly felt aggrieved by the fight, and decided to cast Huiyue after the Echo Staff.Whenever the King of Lanling dared to come to cut, he immediately put a second skill at his feet and then opened the golden body.Protect your life with a golden body, and only output when you live!

But Chi Ruan didn't expect that his little Qiao would be targeted from beginning to end by the opposite Lanling King.When the record came to 2/5/3, she still couldn't figure it out, did the King of Lanling live in the middle?What's going on if you don't catch the shooter in the bottom lane and stare at her, Xiao Qiao?Look down on Di Renjie's output?

【Ruanruan is frantically testing on the verge of irritability. 】

[This operation is really eye-catching. 】

【That's it?That's it?Do you have a live broadcast? 】

[Is this the management of Ranshen's live broadcast room?How did you get managed, can you teach me? 】

Chi Ruan also knew that there was something wrong with beating himself, and it was normal to be scolded. Some people would find fault with you no matter whether you beat yourself well or not.

"This is my question. I didn't type it well. You don't need to pay attention to them. If you don't like to watch it, go out and turn right. You don't need to send bullet screens to increase my popularity. Stay and watch. Thank you for your likes." After finishing speaking I don't care about what is posted on the barrage anymore.

King Lanling seemed to want to squat her, but he didn't expect the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole behind her.The moment he appeared, he was caught by Di Renjie's big move in the grass. Chi Ruan's Xiao Qiao flashed away and threw a fan at King Lanling. With the damage from Di Renjie's basic attack, King Lanling finally fell down. In the hand of the fan.

[Start giggling, stay home after 10 minutes.Ruan Ruan probably didn't expect that the King of Lanling was after her. 】

[Go out if you don’t like to watch it, some people are jealous if you use bullet screens, but they dare not say it clearly, find someone to lead the rhythm. 】

[Ignore them, the more you argue with them, the happier they will be, watch the live broadcast carefully! 】

Chi Ruan's Xiao Qiao died several times in the early stage, and the rhythm was interrupted a few times. The economy was a bit poor, and he didn't dare to join the group, so he secretly developed himself.To develop secretly, and then kill everyone on the opposite side!

The opposite side wanted to find someone to start a group, but Chi Ruan didn't choose to join the group.After handling the line of troops, retreat back, run away when you see people, and never fight anyway.

When the time came to 20 minutes, the Storm Dragon King appeared.Now even if you don't want to play a team, you have to fight hard.

After killing the Storm Dragon King, the whole team will get the Storm Awakening effect: Every 0.5 seconds, a lightning strike will be made to all enemy units (including wild monsters and minions) within a range of 8000 around, and each lightning strike will deal damage to the enemy based on its The real damage of 4% of the maximum HP, the same unit will only be struck by lightning once per second.

Not only that, after killing the Storm Dragon King, he will directly get a one-time shield based on 50% of his maximum health.

It can be said that whoever can snatch the Storm Dragon King is in sight of victory.Of course, there are also incidents where the result of getting the Storm Dragon King failed, but there are only a few of them.

In most cases, whoever gets the Dragon King wins.

Chi Ruan pre-purchased a resurrection armor, ready to exchange the golden body for the resurrection armor, and then change the name knife in seconds.

The two sides tested each other in front of the Dragon Pit, and Di Renjie couldn't resist making the first move. After using the second skill, the opposite Lanling King found a chance and directly played Di Renjie's resurrection armor.

On the opposite side, Huo Wu saw the right moment and wanted to dodge Xiao Qiao, but was dodged by the golden body.Chi Ruan changed into the resurrection armor in seconds, and wanted to output forward, but was knocked into the air by the Dragon King, unable to press the skill.

The four on the opposite side resolutely set fire to Xiao Qiao, and Xiao Qiao's resurrection armor was instantly knocked out. He wanted to change his name knife but found that he didn't have enough money!

"Not enough money!!! I feel like I was targeted by the system today! Why am I so miserable! Because I'm good-looking!"

First, he was knocked into the air by the Dragon King and couldn't use his skills, and then he was beaten up by a gang. Now he wants to change his sword and finds that he doesn't have enough money. This game has no gaming experience!
One's own double c all fell, and the remaining three hits and fives have not been hit, and the crystal is pushed away by the opponent.

With an output of 21.6%, Chi Ruan scored fourth, only higher than No.5 Xiahou Dun.

[Reasonable, this wave of mvp I will give to the Dragon King! 】

[Ruan Ruan may have been targeted by the system today. First, the Wufa Tiannv held a meeting in the middle, and then the Dragon King assisted.What a miserable woman. 】

[Settlement settlement, I'm rich again! !Hahahahaha]

[That buddy may have lost all his pants, so I feel sorry for him for a second. 】

Oh yes, who is the one who bet 3 quiz coins? She has to ask and return the money to him.This is her problem, and fans can't pay for it.
In a room of a certain villa, a man stared at the screen on the computer.If you look carefully, you will find that the corners of his mouth are raised, and his eyes are full of doting.

 Me: How do you feel about secretly watching Ruan Ruan's live broadcast?
  Xiao Ran: My daughter-in-law is so cute, I love her so much.

  (head tilted)
  Xiao Ran: When will you let us be together?

  Me: No rush, being single makes you happy. ????
(End of this chapter)

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