Madam is an internet addict girl

Chapter 41 The Lover Chapter

Chapter 41 Valentine's Day
After pondering for a whole day, Chi Ruan couldn't figure out what else to give. "That's it, it's good to have cake, and a bicycle."

She had already thought about it, if Xiao Ran disliked the cake she made, she would immediately run away from home.Ah bah, it's not that they ran away from home, but they went back to their own homes and found their own mothers.

In order not to waste materials, she still chose to ask Liu Ma to help her make cake embryos.After all, the fear of being dominated by the failed cake a few days ago is still vivid in my memory.At least for a short time, she won't touch the cake again.

Before she did it, she also watched a lot of teaching videos on Mouyin, and they all said that she would not overturn the car, it was super simple, and she would learn it once she learned it.When she really got started, she realized what she was wiping her face with.

There are countless small holes, and some places have more cream and some places have less.Forget it, she also gave up the idea of ​​becoming a pastry master in the future, this skill is suitable for self-entertainment at home.

The technology is not enough, and the fruit comes together.The wipe didn't look good, so she cut up a bunch of fruits and put them on top to cover the unsightly parts.

When Xiao Ran went downstairs, he saw her taking a picture of a cake with her mobile phone.

"When did you buy this cake? Why does it feel a little ugly? Now the merchants are getting lazy." Looking at the cake, he always felt that something was weird.

There is still some untouched cream on the side, and a layer of fruit is spread on top.To let him know which store sold it, he must let it go out of business.This is clearly deceiving consumers!
Hearing the sound, Chi Ruan raised his head and took a deep look at him.Received his own stupid death stare, Xiao Ran was stunned for a moment, unable to figure out why Chi Ruan looked at him like this, did he say something wrong just now?

"Ruan Ruan, if I were you, I would pick up the cake and put it directly on his head." Qin Xiaoyue, who was sitting on the sofa chasing novels, suddenly said, her words were full of dissatisfaction with Xiao Ran.

Valentine's Day can be forgotten, does he still want to have a good relationship?She witnessed the whole process of Chi Ruan making cakes all morning.A gift represents a person's heart, and it is not important in itself.At least Ruan Ruan is preparing presents carefully, unlike her son, who wakes up naturally after sleeping, and says that the cakes carefully prepared by others are ugly, and he is as virtuous as his unreliable father!Obviously promised to come back for the holidays, but there is no one in sight yet, and the phone can't be reached. If you don't come back today, don't come back in the future!
"I didn't buy it outside, I made it myself. If I can't get out, I can only keep everything simple. If you dare to say that it's not delicious, I'll pack up and go home immediately!"

He doesn't have to prepare a gift, but he can't say that the things she made with her own hands are not good!
"Tsk, when did you learn to run away from home?" Xiao Ran walked to the dining table, picked up a fork and took a bite of the cake.The little guy's craftsmanship is not bad, it doesn't look like much, but it's quite delicious.

"What are you running away from home! I'm obviously going back to my own home!" She even came to run away from home, why didn't she see before that this man is really thick-skinned.

"It is said that marry a chicken as a chicken, and marry a dog as a dog. If you enter my house, then you are from my family. You said you want to go home, so what is it if you run away from home?" Xiao Ran fed a piece of cake to Chi Ruan , "Have you ever tasted the one you made yourself? Although it doesn't look very good, it's delicious."

In the past, Chi Ruan had thought about opening a dessert shop after graduating from college with the money he earned from live broadcasting during college. When he was tired and sleepy, he would make desserts for himself.But after this failure, she completely let go of this idea.

Her hands may only be suitable for playing games, not for delicate things like desserts.

She took the fork that Xiao Ran handed over and took a bite, "I had a good idea before. After graduating from university, I opened a dessert shop by myself. When I was hungry, I ate tiramisu, and when I was thirsty, I made a cup of milk tea by myself. Someone came to the shop Shopping online, fans get [-]% off, professional players get [-]% off. Business is sure to be booming.”

After hearing this, Xiao Ran secretly laughed in his heart, he is really a snack. "Then how much discount will I get when I come to your store?" Professional players usually get 5% off, if he doesn't get [-]% off, then he will lose face.

"If you came to my store before, I would treat you to free food and drink," he heard only the word "free" in his ears, and automatically filtered out the word "before".

"My Hanhan family is caring."

"Now come to my shop and break a bone!" She used to be young and ignorant, but now she won't be so naive!

"Pfft~" Qin Xiaoyue, who tried her best to reduce her sense of existence, couldn't help laughing when she heard that Chi Ruan was about to break Xiao Ran's bones.Ruan Ruan's nasty look is so cute.

Xiao Ran stared at his mother, who was watching movies and eating melons, and stood up, "I'm going out for a while, the team has something to deal with."

Before Chi Ruan could react, he took the car keys and went out. "Auntie, did I hit you too hard just now? Will Xiao Ran get angry?" It's hard to coax him to be angry, and Chi Ruan suddenly felt a little dizzy.

"It's okay, if he is angry and you can't coax him, you will be more angry than him, and then he will come to coax you." Qin Xiaoyue is confident about this matter, that's how she treats Xiao Guoliang.

"The so-called join if you can't do it. Since you are angry and I can't coax you well, then I will simply be more angry than you and ask you if you come to coax. If you coax, this matter will be over. If you don't coax, then I will be more angry." Angry. His dad usually gives me a step down, because he knows that it is even more difficult for him to coax me."

Qin Xiaoyue was still telling Chi Ruan about her experience, but Chi Ruan felt that he had eaten a mouthful of dog food and couldn't even eat lunch. He was already full of dog food.

After Xiao Ran went out, he drove straight to Zhong Rui's studio.

"The necklace I asked you to make last time, is it ready?" The man directly pushed open the door of the studio, and the sudden voice startled the person who was drawing the design draft.

"I'll go, can you knock on the door when you come into my studio? It's scary, okay! In case I'm scared one day, let's see who can make a necklace for you." Knocking on the door, Zhong Rui shook his head helplessly.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Bring the necklace. If it's later, I'll have to reconsider the conditions I promised you that day." On such an important day as Valentine's Day, if Zhong Rui didn't move too slowly and the necklace hadn't been finished, who would want to This day he came out to pick up presents, and he played Duoxiang with Hanhan at home.

Zhong Rui put down the work in his hands, took out a boxy box from the drawer, and handed it to Xiao Ran, "Here, it's inside, you can open it and have a look yourself. If you don't want to play professionally, I really want to pull you away." Come to my studio to be a designer, it will definitely explode!"

Looking at the man in front of him, he couldn't help sighing, God not only gave him a good-looking skin, but also gave him such good hands.I play games well, and design things are not bad, but it's a pity that I have a mouth that often leaves you speechless.

 A little cutie told me about the inner activities of the hero

  I will pay attention to it in the future!
  The first time I wrote an article, I was a little bit inaccurate
  Just read these chapters first, it should be before Chapter 43

  I'll keep an eye out for that later! !
  Thank you for the referral ticket!Thank you for your advice!

  grateful! ()

(End of this chapter)

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