Chapter 42 Gifts
Xiao Ran took the box and left.

Although Zhong Ruiren looked unreliable, his craftsmanship could not be faulted.

There was no one to be seen on the street, only leaves blown to the ground by the wind. It was indeed a bit deserted this year.

When he got home, Chi Ruan was watching the live broadcast with Qin Xiaoyue, and answered her questions by the way.

"Ruan Ruan, the hero played by this anchor is so beautiful, and it even has a fan!" She stared at the screen, watching the anchor's operation of the hero keep shifting, she couldn't see where he was. "What is he doing? I can't even see where the hero is. Is there a bug?"

"It's not a bug, Auntie. This hero is called Gongsunli. She is a shooter. Her three skills can be moved, so you will see her moving all the time. You don't know where she will be in the next second." It is a hero that she needs to bring her own eye drops before playing. She admires those who play Gongsunli well from the bottom of her heart, and even wants to interview them. Are their eyes okay?
"Oh, so that's the case. Then I learn this, okay? It looks very powerful." Qin Xiaoyue felt that if she had practiced this hero named Li, then Xiao Ran would stop saying that she didn't understand anything. .

Chi Ruan was shocked by Qin Xiaoyue's thoughts. Is it not good to play such a test operation as soon as you come up?She didn't play Gongsunli very well by herself, so how should she teach it!
"Auntie, why don't we choose something simpler?" She tried to persuade Qin Xiaoyue to change her mind, but she didn't dare to speak too harshly. After all, she is an elder, if she really wants to learn, then she has to bite the bullet and say no.

"You don't want to go to the sky in one step, but you want to learn from Gongsunli directly. I'm afraid you won't be able to find your umbrella. You can let Ruan Ruan teach you Daji. You don't need to operate, and you can run after a set of skills is the most suitable for you. "Xiao Ran directly interrupted the conversation between them, killing his mother's thoughts in the cradle.

When Chi Ruan heard that Xiao Ran asked her to teach Daji, he became angry and stared straight at him, as if saying, "Are you trying to mess with me?" He knew that she hated Daji, a hero, and wished that the king would Glory deleted this hero and asked her to teach Daji.Chi Ruan had to suspect that Xiao Ran was avenging his own personal revenge because of the broken bone just now!
When he received Chi Ruan's gaze, he pretended not to see it, "You heard me right, I asked you to teach Mom Daji, and by the way, let you practice it yourself, a person who Waner Diaochan and Zhuge Liang play with flying, playing Daji Old loser, if you say it, it won’t make people laugh.”

Chi Ruan was unconvinced, "Then have you ever used Daji in the game? No, you don't even need it in professional games, why do you have to let me practice?"

"Then you mean that heroes that are not used in professional games are useless?" Xiao Ran knocked her on the head, "Your idea is wrong, professional games even have a clear picture of the economic distribution, and my mid laner economy If you are in position [-] or [-], then when you usually play solo queue, can you tolerate the economy in position [-] and [-]? If your economy is low, don’t you just go to the lane to clear the jungle and get yourself up.”

She seemed to be persuaded by Xiao Ran again.That's all, in this case, just listen to him, who made her feel that what he said made sense.

"Okay, listen to you."

"Ruan Ruan, show me what Daji looks like, is she good-looking, does she have good-looking skin?"

Chi Ruan has to admit that Amy is regardless of age.

Just when she wanted to log into the account and show Qin Xiaoyue Daji's skin, she was dragged away by Xiao Ran.He only left a sentence for Qin Xiaoyue: "I'll look at the skin later, today is the holiday first, you go find your husband by yourself, don't disturb us." After speaking, she dragged Chi Ruan upstairs.

Well, she was rejected by her son again.She didn't go to Xiao Guoliang, and no one answered the phone, so she didn't know why she went there.I should continue to pursue novels.

After Chi Ruan was pulled into the room by Li Ran, she was at a loss, "What are you doing?" She was thinking, if there was a fight later, how likely would she be to defeat Xiao, not sure
"Tsk, what do you think I'm going to do?" He pulled her to sit down on the pink gaming chair, and took out a box from his coat pocket, "The gift was decided early in the morning, but Zhong Rui's action It's too slow, so I'm going to get it today."

The man handed the box to her, "Open it and see if you like it."

"Why is it a pink box, full of girlish hearts. Does Zhong Rui also have a girlish heart?" Aren't ordinary jewelry boxes all white, and this is the first time she has seen a pink box.

"Maybe Zhong Rui is more of a girl, and he likes this pink color." Xiao Ran quietly damaged his hair again.Zhong Rui, who was still working hard in the studio, suddenly sneezed, "Who is missing me again? Damn me, I have nowhere to put my charm~"

"The box is not important, you first open it to see if you like the things inside." My simple attention is always so different, which makes people laugh and cry.

The two rose-golden rings are interlocked, and traces of depictions can still be vaguely seen on the rings. "What's written on it?"

"One X and one C, and the place where the two rings intersect is R." When Xiao Ran first designed the design, he found that both of their names implied that they were a natural pair.It is precisely because of this R that his final artwork became like this.

He took the necklace out of the box and put it on Chi Ruan carefully. "The first Valentine's Day we were together, how could I forget it. I had this inspiration after I met you for the first time. I wanted to do it first. I will give it to you when I am ready to confess to you someday. I didn't expect that there was an accident in the middle. But I'm very grateful for that accident, otherwise if you run away with someone one day, I won't be wanted by anyone."

I don't want to confess so quickly because I don't want to have a long-distance relationship with her.But it's okay, the big deal is that he will take her wherever he goes to play games in the future.She watched him from the audience, he should play better.Anyway, she has already been identified, so why not exercise his right as a boyfriend earlier.

"So you've been plotting for a long time! You hid it well enough that you didn't even glance at me when I first met you, tsk." She still remembered that night, he kept his head down and played with his phone the whole time, keeping his ears closed. She was quite embarrassed by herself when she heard about things outside the window.

"You read it wrong. I peeked at you for a long time that day, but you didn't notice it yourself." He is not gay, how could he be indifferent to good-looking girls, it's just that he hid it better. "I may have to go back to the club in a few days. The spring split is likely to become an online game. I have to go back and deal with everything first."

I really want to keep her with me all the time, but it's too dangerous outside now, so it's safer to keep her at home.

 Thank you for the reward!Thank you for the referral ticket!
  I'm a little clueless, I have to sort it out.
(End of this chapter)

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