Kuai Chuan group pet her cute again

Chapter 262 This President’s Painting Style Is Wrong

Chapter 262 This President’s Painting Style Is Wrong (26)

Hua Qianxi stammered.

Yelin could see that every cell in her body was resisting.

"What's wrong? Run away after using it? So ruthless."

As expected, Ye Lin put away her serious appearance just now, narrowed her eyes, and smiled ambiguously.

Hua Qianxi wished she could tear his mouth apart.

This stinking hooligan is not afraid of being heard by outsiders.

"I didn't use you, it's just..."

The more Hua Qianxi spoke, the lower her voice became. From time to time, she raised her eyes to peek at Ye Lin's reaction, but found that there was always a smile in the man's eyes, always sticking to her body.

The burning eyes made Hua Qianxi feel uncomfortable.

Hua Qianxi's gaze began to wander without confidence.

Ye Lin snorted, "Just what?"

Yelin's fingertips rubbed from time to time, he really wanted to kiss the little girl's blushing ear tips, this little guy seemed to have done something wrong and was caught in the pigtails, his waxy appearance was so cute.

Hua Qianxi didn't expect this stinky hooligan to threaten him every step of the way.

Biting her lower lip lightly, she almost looked like she was about to cry.

She shouldn't have asked this man.

I owe such a big favor.

Seeing that Hua Qianxi refused to make a sound, Ye Lin finally let go, and tapped her fingertips on the table, making Hua Qianxi feel restless.

"Tonight, have dinner with me."

"...I don't!" Hua Qianxi reflexively refused.

"..." Ye Lin narrowed her eyes threateningly.

Hua Qianxi was instantly discouraged, "I don't want to renege on the debt, I just...it's inconvenient tonight..."

"What's the inconvenience?" Ye Lin insisted, stood up, walked around the large desk, and walked in front of Hua Qianxi, just bent down slightly, Hua Qianxi felt an inexplicable pressure, "An appointment? "

"...No." Hua Qianxi turned her face away.

"Then why didn't you agree?" Ye Lin's rhetorical question could not be refused.

Fingertips gently twisted the tip of Hua Qianxi's chin.

Hua Qianxi was too thin, she had a small round face, but her chin was pointed because of the thinness, Ye Lin kneaded it distressedly, but she didn't dare to use force, for fear that she might get a red mark accidentally.

"..." Hua Qianxi was silent again.

She didn't dare to answer but just didn't want to face him.

This man said he was frivolous, but he always had an inexplicable intimidating power to manipulate her, Hua Qianxi dared not resist.

Ye Lin stared at her for a long time.

When Hua Qianxi couldn't bear it and wanted to let go, Ye Lin spoke first, "Forget it."


Hua Qianxi looked at this contradictory man inexplicably.

Yelin smiled lightly, and rubbed her little head involuntarily.

He just didn't want to see Hua Qianxi in trouble.


Walking out of Yelin's office, for Hua Qianxi, it was like walking through the gates of hell.

Hua Qianxi sent the report to the financial department, and it was only when she hurriedly sat back at the desk that Hua Qianxi breathed a sigh of relief.

She really couldn't understand why Ye Lin suddenly let go of her mouth just now. From her point of view, this man would try his best to get what he wanted, no matter how hard he tried.

Hua Qianxi almost became his prey, his inescapable prey.


He just let her leave like this?
Hua Qianxi frowned slightly, unscrewed the cap of the pen uneasily, and put the cap back on.

If she had guessed that this man had other cunning intentions, he was laying an ambush for the next surprise...

This is probably somewhat persuasive.

(End of this chapter)

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